My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: Steelbook

We’re starting things off today with Tim’s review of Lewis Teague’s Alligator (1980) in 4K Ultra HD from Scream Factory. It sounds like this is not only the best the film has ever looked and sounded, but it’s also one of Shout! and Scream’s best 4K releases to date. So do give it a look if you might be interested.

We’ve also just updated our Release Dates and Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD cover artwork and pre-order links. Remember, any time you order literally anything from Amazon after clicking to them from one of our links, you’re helping to support our work here at The Bits and we really do appreciate it.

I also wanted to address one other thing here on the site today: Some of you may have noticed that there were “roadblock” ads appearing on The Bits over the last few months. Ads that appeared when you clicked from the home page to other content—ads that you had to click away to continue reading. Rest assured, we’ve killed those and they will not be returning. [Read on here...]

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We’ve got three more new disc reviews for you to enjoy today, starting with Tim’s look at Tom Tykwer’s Run Lola Run (1998), as recently released on Blu-ray from Umbrella Entertainment. It’s an Aussie import title, but all-region.

Also today, Dennis has turned in his thoughts on Alan J. Pakula’s The Parallax View (1974), which is newly released on Blu-ray from Imprint Films in Australia, also a region-free disc.

And Stephen has offered his thoughts on Shinsuke Terasawa’s animated Catwoman: Hunted in 4K Ultra HD from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the latest installment in their DC Animated Universe.

What’s more, we have another “bonus” film retrospective from our own Michael Coate today in his History, Legacy and Showmanship column, as he takes a look back at Robert Wise’s original West Side Story (1961) in honor of the film’s 60th anniversary. Michael is joined by film and musical experts Matthew Kennedy, Bruce Kimmel, and Mike Matessino for a great roundtable discussion. Enjoy! [Read on here...]

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We have more new disc reviews for you today, and finally some official details on the Blu-ray and 4K release of West Wide Story from 20th Century Studios. As always, reviews first...

Dennis has turned in his thoughts on Ian Sharp’s The Final Option (1982) on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics.

Tim has delivered his take on Jack Gold’s The Medusa Touch (1978) on Blu-ray from Imprint.

And Stephen has taken a look at Paramount’s new 30th anniversary Steelbook Blu-ray release of Wayne’s World (1992), as directed by Penelope Spheeris. Enjoy!

Now then, as we mentioned yesterday 20th Century Studios is releasing Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story (2021) on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 3/15, with the Digital and Disney+ streaming offerings available on 3/2. [Read on here...]

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We have a quick President’s Day news update for you here at The Bits with some good title announcement news, both new and catalog. And of course, another new disc review.

Stephen has checked in with his in-depth thoughts on Chloe Zhao’s Eternals in 4K Ultra HD from Disney and Marvel, a somewhat polarizing entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We think you’ll find his take interesting, and you can find it right here.

In new announcement news today, 20th Century Studios has just put Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story (2021) up for pre-order on Amazon in Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD with a street date of 3/15.

The 4K disc will include English Dolby Atmos audio, with HDR10 high dynamic range. [Read on here...]

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We’ve got one quick new Blu-ray review to share with you today. Stephen has given Tim Mielants’ Patrick (2019) a look on Region B Blu-ray, a disc that’s newly available from Anti-Worlds Releasing in the UK. You’ll find that here.

In terms of announcement news today, Sony has just officially set Heavy Metal for release on 4K Ultra HD on 4/19 in special Steelbook packaging. The release includes the original Heavy Metal remastered in 4K Ultra HD with Dolby Vision HDR and now with a new Dolby Atmos soundtrack, both reviewed and approved by producer Ivan Reitman. You’ll also get the previous 5.1 mix as well as the original 1981 theatrical Dolby Stereo audio.

The 4K disc will also include the new Heavy Metal: A Look Back retrospective featurette. The package also includes Heavy Metal and its sequel Heavy Metal 2000 on Blu-ray Disc, each with its previous special features. And you’ll get a Digital code as well. You can see the cover artwork at right and also below. [Read on here...]

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Hope you’re all having a great week so far. I was buried in catch-up work yesterday after having a series of family visits here—our first in two years due to the pandemic—so suffice it to say that there was no news post yesterday.

However, I’ve been on the phone a lot in the last couple of days talking with industry sources, and we’ve got some great new Blu-ray and especially 4K catalog updates for you this afternoon.

FYI, there will be more new disc reviews coming later this week as well, so be sure to check back for those. But let’s get right into the 4K news...

First up, I’ve confirmed with multiple industry sources now that Warner Bros. will be releasing Francis Ford Coppola’s The Outsiders (1983) on physical 4K Ultra HD in early November. Coppola and his American Zoetrope have recently been remastering several of the director’s films in 4K (Lionsgate is releasing a remastered Dementia 13 on Blu-ray and 4K Digital on 9/21 as part of their Vestron Video Collector’s Series, and Paramount is going to be releasing the complete Godfather Trilogy in 4K Ultra HD next year in honor of the original film’s 50th anniversary), so perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, that was fast!

It’s now official: Paramount Home Entertainment and Lucasfilm have indeed set the Indiana Jones 4-Movie Collection for release on 4K Ultra HD on 6/8.

Here’s a nice surprise: The set will include Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio after all. Per studio confirmation, the exact audio options on the US SKUs will include in English (Dolby Atmos), as well as 5.1 in French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Subtitles will be available in English, Cantonese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Thai.

The 5-disc set will contain all four of the existing films—Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull—along with a Blu-ray Disc of legacy bonus features. It does NOT appear that the set will include any new features. You will, however, get Digital copies of each film.

The collectible packaging will be available in two varieties: Regular and Steelbook (exclusive to Best Buy in the US), each with a slipcase. You can see both pictured below (the regular version is also visible at left).

Read on for the full text of the official Paramount and Lucasfilm press release... [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’re starting things off today with this just in from Paramount Home Entertainment: George Cukor’s My Fair Lady (1964) and J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 (2011) are now official for release on the 4K Ultra HD format on 5/25.

My Fair Lady is presented in 4K, mastered from the 2015 8K film scan and restoration of the original camera negative and surviving 65 mm elements.

Both HDR10 and Dolby Vision will be included (this is now confirmed). Audio will be available in the same English 7.1 Dolby TrueHD mix found on the 2015 Blu-ray edition.

There are no extras on the 4K disc itself, but the package will include that same Blu-ray (along with a Digital code). [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, it’s finally official: Universal Studios Home Entertainment will release Back to the Future: The Ultimate Trilogy on Blu-ray, DVD, 4K Ultra HD, and Digital on 10/20. The set will include all three films with a bonus disc that includes all-new content.

In addition to the wide-release SKUs, there will be a trio of retail exclusive versions here in the States: a Limited Edition 4K Ultra HD Gift Set on Amazon that includes a levitating hoverboard replica and Digibook packaging, a Limited Edition Blu-ray Gift Set at Target that includes a levitating hoverboard replica and Digibook packaging, and a Limited Edition 4K Ultra HD Gift Set at Best Buy that includes Steelbook packaging.

You can see the wide release 4K Ultra HD cover artwork at left, and we’ve got the rest of the open packaging for you to look at below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

Heads-up: Disney and Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger appears to be coming to 4K Ultra HD on 2/26, per Best Buy pre-order listings. The retailer currently has listings for the title in SKUs with regular and Steelbook packaging.

The film has a 2K DI. It’s possible there could be a new Dolby Atmos audio mix, but as has recently been the case with Disney 4K releases, look for Dolby Vision HDR on the digital version only.

It should be noted that 2/26 is the same street date as their already announced The Little Mermaid and Ralph Breaks the Internet 4K releases, both of which will also have Steelbook SKUs at Best Buy.

Meanwhile, we have one other 4K-related item to report today: Some of you have noticed that there’s been an image circulating around the Internet over the past few days purporting to show an exclusive 4K release of the Indiana Jones films in China. Our studio sources tell us this is bogus. There are no plans at this time. We take that to mean not never, but not anytime soon. Adjust your plans accordingly.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you with a full news update on Monday.

Stay tuned...!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)


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