Jahnke's Electric Theatre

Displaying items by tag: Sidney Lumet

We’ve got one more new disc review to round out the week here at The Bits this afternoon...

Dennis has taken a look at Robert Day’s Two-Way Stretch (1960) on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics, a classic heist caper starring Peter Sellers.

The big release news today is that our friends at The Criterion Collection have just announced their June slate, which is absolutely fantastic! Look for 4K Ultra HD upgrades of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil (1985) (Spine #51) and Paul Schrader’s Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) (Spine #432) on 6/3, followed by Sidney Lumet’s The Wiz (1978) (Spine #1264) in 4K UHD and Blu-ray on 6/10, Charlotte Zwerin’s Thelonious Monk Straight, No Chaser (1988) (Spine #1265) and Mitchell Leisen’s Midnight (1939) (Spine #1266) both on Blu-ray on 6/17, and François Girard’s Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993) (Spine #1268) and William Friedkin’s Sorcerer (1977) (Spine #1267) in 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on 6/24. Of these, Brazil, The Wiz, and Sorcerer will have Dolby Vision HDR. You can read more here and you can see the cover art for these above left and also below the break. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We have no less than four new disc reviews for you to enjoy today, and--surprise!--I even managed to finish one for a change...

First, Tim has taken a look at Sidney Lumet’s excellent Murder on the Orient Express (1974) in 4K Ultra HD from Kino Lorber Studio Classics, as well as Hanna-Barbera’s animated Top Cat: The Complete Series (1961-1962) on Blu-ray from the Warner Archive Collection.

Also, Dennis has reviewed another Warner Archive title: Norman Foster’s Journey Into Fear (1943) on Blu-ray.

And finally today, I’ve shared my thoughts on M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs (2003), a tense and effective alien invasion thriller, on 4K Ultra HD from Touchstone Pictures, Disney, and Buena Vista Home Entertainment.

As always, more reviews are forthcoming this week, so be sure to stay tuned for them!

In announcement news this afternoon, there is just not much to report. But we do have a couple things for you...

First, Paramount is reissuing Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) as a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray combo on 1/14, simply without the Paramount Presents packaging. It also looks like the studio is doing the same thing with Roman Polanski’s Chinatown (1974) that same day. We assume they’re the same 4K discs as before. (If otherwise, we’ll confirm and post an update here.) You can see the new cover art for the former at left and also below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got a quick update for you today, to report that Criterion has just announced their January 2020 Blu-ray and DVD titles.

They include: George Cukor’s Holiday (Spine #1009 – Blu-ray and DVD) on 1/7, Sidney Lumet’s The Fugitive Kind (Spine #515 – Blu-ray and DVD) on 1/14, Jean-Luc Godard’s Le petit soldat (Spine #1010 – Blu-ray and DVD) on 1/21, and Sidney Lumet’s Fail Safe (Spine #1111 – Blu-ray and DVD) and Pedro Almodóvar’s All About My Mother (Spine #1012 – Blu-ray and DVD) on 1/28.

We’ve updated our Criterion Spines Project page here at The Bits to include them, and you can read more about each title on the Criterion website. You can also see the cover artwork below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents
Thursday, 17 April 2014 02:01

An Honor To Be Nominated: Dog Day Afternoon

If it can be difficult to remember who won the Academy Award for Best Picture, it’s downright mindbending trying to remember everything else it was up against. In An Honor To Be Nominated, I’ll be taking a look back at some of the movies the Oscar didn’t go to and trying to determine if they were robbed, if the Academy got it right, or if they should ever have been nominated in the first place. [Read on here...]

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