This shot was recomposited again in 4K after being recomposited in 2004. The misplaced Star Destroyer engines have been eliminated.
This shot was recomposited again in 4K after being recomposited in 2004. The bomber on the left is slightly shifted.
In 2004, this laser blast going over the foreground soldier’s hat was made to go behind it. This fix was not replicated for the 4K.
A new shield generation explosion was created for the 4K to eliminate the weird glowing remains.
An example of how every Falcon cockpit shot has been cropped again for the 4K after being done originally in 2004. Note how Chewie’s side of the frame is even tighter than it was in 2004. It is believed this is due to Lucas’ displeasure with how the set was built bigger in ESB because Gary Kurtz wanted the actors to be able to have more space since so much of the movie happens in there.