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Monday, 13 September 2021 19:30

Wolf of Wall Street 4K, new Disney Movie Club titles, Sony 4K delays, Bill guests on Let’s Get Physical Media & MUCH more!


Welcome to a new week, folks! Let’s start things off today with some new disc reviews...

First up, Tim has posted his thoughts on Sidney Salkow’s The Last Man on Earth (1964) starring Vincent Price, which is newly-released on Blu-ray by our friends at Kino Lorber Studio Classics. Tim has also taken a look at Arrow Video’s excellent new Cold War Creatures: Four Films from Sam Katzman Blu-ray box set, which streets tomorrow and includes Creature with the Atom Brain, The Werewolf, Zombies of Mora Tau, and The Giant Claw.

Meanwhile, Stephen has offered up his thoughts on Sidney Lumet’s Prince of the City (1981), new on Blu-ray from the Warner Archive Collection, as well as Wolfgang Peterson’s The NeverEnding Story on German-import 4K Ultra HE from Constantin Film. Note that both the 4K and Blu-ray discs in that package are region free.

And finally, Dennis has turned in his thoughts on Douglas Hickcox’s Theater of Blood (1973), also starring Vincent Price, also newly-available on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics.

All of those titles are worth a look and we’ve got more Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD reviews coming in the days ahead (including my thoughts on The Thing and Black Widow in 4K). So be sure to watch for those. [Read on here...]

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In release news today, Paramount has officially set Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street for release on 4K Ultra HD on 12/14, as expected. You can see the cover artwork at left and also below (and you can pre-order the title on Amazon below as well).

Meanwhile, the Disney Movie Club has revealed a trio of great Disney live-action catalog titles that they’re bringing to Blu-ray: The Watcher in the Woods (includes a never-before-seen alternate opening), Flight of the Navigator, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. These should be shipping soon from DMC if they aren’t already. Thanks to Bits reader Aaron J. for the heads-up!

In other news today, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has informed us that they’re revising the street dates for a few of their biggest 4K releases in the 4th quarter due to unexpected “supply chain delays.” So the Columbia Classics 4K Ultra HD Collection: Volume 2 box is now set for release on 10/12 (delayed from 9/14). The Underworld: Limited Edition 5-Movie Collection now streets on 10/26 (delayed from 10/5). And The Guns of Navarone now streets on 11/12 (delayed from 10/12). Adjust your plans accordingly.

Given this announcement, and the fact that Paramount is having trouble shipping enough copies of the Star Trek: The Original 4-Movie Collection 4K Ultra HD set to meet demand (Bits readers who have pre-ordered it from Amazon, Best Buy and elsewhere are suffering shipping delays), it seems likely that most of the studios are having replication and distribution issues right now (due to the limited replication capacity available and also pandemic-related delays) which will likely persist through the end of the year.

Also today, we’ve learned that Koch Films is releasing Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together (1997) and In the Mood for Love (2000) on 4K Ultra HD in Germany on 11/25. Do keep in mind however that these discs may not have English subtitles. We’ll try to confirm the presence or lack of English subs as soon as we can.

Now then, I was invited over the weekend to join my old friend Robert Meyer Burnett as a guest on his Let’s Get Physical Media YouTube show with Dieter Bastian. So we had a great time yesterday talking about Blu-ray, DVD, 4K Ultra HD, catalog releases, indie distributors, Star Trek, and much more—the discussion ran for over three hours in all! We even managed to get our friend George Feltenstein (who’s now back at Warner Bros. Home Entertainment!) to join the conversation by phone late in the episode. You can watch the whole thing right here and I think you’ll enjoy it...

And with that, I’m now officially free to (finally) to confirm the fact that George Feltenstein has indeed been hired back at Warner Bros. Home Entertainment to work on their catalog titles and to manage the Warner Archive Collection once again! I’ve known George for over 20 years, going all the way back to the early days of The Digital Bits. He’s one of the most knowledgeable people you’ll ever meet in this industry on the subject of classic film, and he’s also one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet period. I’m pleased to call him a friend and I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to say this: Welcome back, George! Thanks for everything you do on behalf of Blu-ray, DVD, 4K, and cinema fans everywhere!

All right, finally today... here’s something for you fellow spaceflight fans who live in Southern California: SpaceX is launching a Falcon 9 tonight from Vandenberg SFB at 8:55pm Pacific (live stream will be here). So if you live in SoCal (it might be visible from parts of Nevada and Arizona too), go outside at about 8:50 and look up at the west-northwest sky for 10 minutes or so. If the launch happens as planned, in the next few minutes afterwards you’re in for a helluva pretty sight. The rocket will be visible all the way to orbit in the darkening sky, and the launch plume will be backlit by the setting sun the whole time. Trust me, it’s worth seeing. It’ll look something like this (picture by Danny Sullivan)...

SpaceX Falcon 9 launch over LA

We’ll leave you today with a look at the cover artwork for a few new Blu-ray and 4K titles (with pre-order links if available)...

The Wolf of Wall Street (4K Ultra HD) The NeverEnding Story (German import) (4K Ultra HD) Don't Breathe 2 (4K Ultra HD)

Back tomorrow. Stay tuned!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)