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Wednesday, 06 June 2018 13:35

New Kino Lorber catalog announcements, plus Tideland, Phantasm, our Game of Thrones contest winner & more


We’ve got another new Blu-ray review for you today... Tim has taken a look at Severin Film’s Zombie 3 on Blu-ray Disc. Do give it a look.

Also today, I’m working on a bunch more reviews. On deck are A Wrinkle in Time, Tomb Raider (2018), Pacific Rim Uprising, Fury, and Escape Plan. Then I’m got a nice little batch of great Blu-ray 3D titles I want to take a look for you from the 3-D Film Archive.

And yes, I’ve heard you. After my post yesterday, I got about 100 emails and messages from Bits readers asking me NOT to skip reviewing Disney and Pixar’s The Incredibles in 4K Ultra HD. So for you guys, I’ll make an exception and try to get it posted as soon as I can.

If news posts this week get a little slim, that’s why. I’m really going to try and crank some of these reviews out as quickly as I can. And I want to spend some time with these 3-D titles. So keep checking back. [Read on here...]

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Now then... we’ve announced the winner of our Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season 4K Ultra HD giveaway: Bob Weatherell! Thanks to everyone who entered on our Facebook page! We got some great quotes from you guys. We’ll try to do more of these contests as time permits.

In announcement news today Kino Lorber has set Color of Night (1994) and The Tie That Binds (1995) for Blu-ray and DVD release on 8/21. And look for Franco Giraldi’s A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die (1968) on Blu-ray and DVD on 8/28, scanned from the original camera negative. It’s s pretty solid spaghetti western if you’ve never seen it.

Any fans of Masterpiece Mystery!: Endeavour? PBS Distribution is going to be releasing Endeavour: Season Five on Blu-ray and DVD on 7/10.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has set Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz: Emerald City – Season One, Volume Two for release on DVD only on 6/12.

Well Go USA is releasing Phantasm: Oblivion and Phantasm: Lord of the Dead on Blu-ray on 9/18. They also have Operation Red Sea on 7/24.

Shout! Factory is releasing Mary Shelley on Blu-ray on 8/28.

And Arrow Video is releasing Terry Gilliam’s Tideland on Blu-ray and DVD on 8/14.

All right, time for us to get back to work reviewing discs!

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Thanks and stay tuned...!

- Bill Hunt

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)