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Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:39

Spider-Man: No Way Home is coming to Blu-ray 3D from Random Space Media, plus StudioCanal brings Cat’s Eye & Red Sonja to 4K


We’ve got four more disc reviews for you all to enjoy today, including three new 4K Ultra HD titles...

Tim has turned in his look at Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys in 4K UHD from Arrow Video, a fine upgrade of their previous Blu-ray edition (but one that’s going to require a disc replacement program—the details are in the review).

Stephen has offered his thoughts on Michael Winner’s Death Wish II (1982) as well as Bill Hunzman’s FleshEater (1988), both in 4K Ultra HD from Vinegar Syndrome.

And Dennis has a look at Alfred Hitchcock’s Stage Fright (1950), as recently released on Blu-ray by our friends at The Warner Archive Collection.

As always, more reviews are on the way so be sure to stay tuned for them. [Read on here...]

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On the release news front today, we have word on three titles that many of you will find interesting.

First up, just as we suspected, Random Space Media in Australia is officially going to be releasing Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: No Way Home on Blu-ray 3D in July or August (the final street date is TBA). To our knowledge, this is the only place you’ll be able to get the title in Blu-ray 3D, and the good news is that the disc will be all region. It’s only going to be available for pre-order from the Random Space Media website (see this link), but after street date it will be available from Amazon as well. You can see the cover artwork below. [Editor’s Update: Random Space Media has since confimed that (per Sony’s request) this title will be REGION B only. More details are available here.]

Also, Studio Canal in the UK is getting ready to release Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye (1985) on 4K Ultra HD on 5/23, and they’re following it with a 4K UHD Steelbook release of Red Sonja (1985) on 7/20. You can see the cover art for both titles below (with links).

We’ve also got a look at the final cover artwork for Stanley Kubrick’s The Killing (1956) on 4K from Kino Lorber Studio Classics, which now officially streets on 7/26.

And here’s that cover artwork (click on the covers for the relevant pre-order links if available)...

Spider-Man: No Way Home (Blu-ray 3D) The Killing (4K Ultra HD) Killer's Kiss (4K Ultra HD)

Cat's Eye (Import 4K Ultra HD) Red Sonja (Import 4K Ultra HD Steelbook) Out of Sight (4K Ultra HD)

Stay tuned...!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)