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Friday, 05 January 2024 20:17

A Se7en 4K update, Shout! & Henson Co. make a new distribution deal & more, plus Bill Mechanic gets it


We’re finishing the week here at The Bits first with more new disc reviews, including…

Stuart’s take on Fran Rubel Kuzui’s Tokyo Pop (1988) and Michael Powell’s The Edge of the World (1937) both on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics.

Dennis’ thoughts on Allen Baron’s Blast of Silence (1961) on Blu-ray from Criterion, Josh Greenbaum’s Strays (2023) on Blu-ray from Universal, Bernard Girard’s Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966) on Blu-ray from Imprint Films, and Val Guest’s The Quartermass Xperiment (1955) on Blu-ray from Hammer Films via Kino Lorber Studio Classics.

And Stephen’s review of The Films of Doris Wishman: The Daylight Years on Blu-ray from AGFA, Something Weird, and Vinegar Syndrome, Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen – Parts One and Two (2023) on 4K Ultra HD from Warner Bros. and DC, and Jannik Hastrup and Flemming Quist Møller’s animated classic Benny’s Bathtub (1971) on Blu-ray from Deaf Crocodile via Vinegar Syndrome.

As always, more reviews are forthcoming next week, so be sure to watch for them.

Also, we’ve posted a few interesting things on our new Patreon page, including a new film review (not a disc review) from Stephen of Takashi Yamazaki’s Godzilla Minus One (2023) as well as a blog post from yours truly about the future 4K Ultra HD plans of a major studio we tend to talk a lot about here at the site. I’ll have more to say about that subject here on The Bits in the weeks and months ahead, but the blog posts I’ve been doing on Patreon felt like the more appropriate place to vent a little bit on the subject. [Read on here...]

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Given that it’s a Friday, there’s not a lot of announcement news to report today, but we do have a couple of things for you…

First, Disney has still not listed the James Cameron 4K titles for pre-order on Amazon (or anywhere else) here in the States, and they’re still working to make that happen. So soon as we have confirmation from the studio as to when that’s likely to happen, we’ll be sure to let you all know here.

We mentioned the other day that David Fincher’s Se7en is now available for pre-order in 4K Ultra HD box sets on Amazon UK and US. And the US street date was listed as 1/12, which we suggested was likely to change. Indeed, the dates have now changed—they’re currently listed to street on Amazon US on 5/3. So adjust your plans accordingly.

Deadline is reporting that Shout! Studios has made a deal with The Jim Henson Company to distribute via Digital and packaged media (think Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K UHD) a number of movie and TV titles, including Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, and others. This comes in the wake of their previous deal with Henson for such titles as Farscape and The Storyteller.

Naturally, this deal does not include Disney-owned content featuring The Muppets, but one can only hope—given the fact that Sony recently released The Muppets Take Manhattan in 4K Ultra HD—that perhaps Disney might consider making available on the format titles like The Muppet Movie and The Great Muppet Caper.

And finally today, Variety has a great editorial piece up (it was posted yesterday) by former Paramount, Disney, and Fox exec Bill Mechanic, in which (I believe) he puts his finger exactly on the problem with Hollywood at the moment, which is a tendency to focus on making streamers and mergers rather than good movies that anyone actually wants to see (much less releasing those movies on physical media). These mergers also have the unfortunate side effect of taking beloved studio catalog titles—that many people would love to buy on Blu-ray and 4K UHD—and essentially chucking them into the Bermuda Triangle never to be seen again on disc. Anyway, it’s a good piece and I strongly recommend you all check it out.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you all back here on Monday!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)