Friday, 05 February 2016 11:00

Pick-Ups for the Week of February 1, 2016

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Welcome back for a new edition of Pick-Ups!

Thank you for joining me. This week I’m going to tackle a few Blu-ray titles from 2015 that we’ve missed here at the site... and don’t worry, not all of it will be horror. I’ve actually got some good movies that were released last year for you to check out. I thought I’d also let you know that I’m working on a column that’s Lord of the Rings related. I’m not sure when I’ll have that up for you, but hopefully sometime soon.  [Read on here...]

And while I’ve got your attention, I’d also like for you to go and check out a podcast that I’m currently doing over at YouTube (for now) called Podcast Salmonella, where I and a guest just sit around and talk about some of our favorite movies or things related to them. I try to get up a new episode every two weeks, depending on the guest and what we have to talk about, and I hope to get some more well-known guests down the road. It’s a fun listen if you enjoy movies or geek-related items of interest, so please check out my YouTube channel here: Podcast Salmonella

Now then, let’s move on to the reviews. As usual, we’ll be rolling each review out one at a time all week, so be sure to check back for new ones.

Click on the links here to check them all out:

While you’re at it, if you see something you like, why don’t you purchase it through the Amazon links that we’ve provided in each review? A portion of anything that you order from Amazon after clicking through to them from our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits, and we really do appreciate your support.

And that’s all from me for this week. Enjoy!

- Tim Salmons

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