My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: The Digital Bits

All right, we have a new review for you: Tim’s checked out Luis Buñuel’s 1967 surrealist classic Belle de Jour on Blu-ray from Criterion.  More BD reviews are on the way tomorrow and Friday, so be sure to check back.

Our own Russell Hammond has also checked in with this week’s Release Dates & Artwork update, featuring all the latest Blu-ray, DVD and Video Game cover artwork and pre-order links.  Keep in mind that the section now includes Xbox One and PS4 games.  A portion of anything you order from the retailer after clicking to them though our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we surely do appreciate it!

Now then, let’s have some announcement news... [Read on here]

Published in My Two Cents

Criterion has just announced their February release slate and it includes great filmmakers and films, both new and old.  Starting on 2/4, you’ll get a BD/DVD Dual Format updating of François Truffaut’s Jules and Jim (Cat #281).  On 2/11, Abdellatif Kechiche’s Blue Is the Warmest color arrives in separate Blu-ray and DVD versions (Cat #695).  This film was a bit of a sensation at this year’s Cannes Film Festival (winning the Palme d’Or), and this is its debut release on home video in the States, thus the separate SKUs.  However, Criterion says that a true BD/DVD Dual Format special edition is coming at a later date.  Moving on, 2/18 will see Alfred Hitchcock’s Foreign Correspondent (Cat #696) as a Dual Format release along with Wes Anderson’s animated Fantastic Mr. Fox (Cat #700).  Finally, Jean-Luc Goddard’s Breathless (Cat #408), Steven Soderbergh’s King of the Hill (Cat #698) and Roman Polanski’s Tess (Cat #697) will all street on 2/25 as Dual Format releases. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, we promised you some reviews and we’ve got a couple for you this morning.  Plus there’s some very exciting release news.  More on that in a minute.

First, I’ve turned in my thoughts on Twilight Time’s Oliver!, a nice Blu-ray upgrade of the classic musical.  It sports a fine transfer, nearly all of the previous DVD extras and new content as well.  Just 3,000 copies are available – see the review for details.

Also, I’ve finished a review of CBS’ forthcoming Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Five on Blu-ray, which features 26 more episodes, all of the previous DVD extras (including the Best Buy bonus featurettes) and abundant new material too, including 4 audio commentaries, deleted scenes and a gag reel in HD and over 90 minutes of great new documentary content from our friends Roger Lay, Jr. and Robert Meyer Burnett.  Don’t miss it.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

Morning, folks.  We’ve had pretty strong response to our column from yesterday about out-of-control retail Blu-ray exclusives.  Seems like a lot of you are irritated by this trend as taken to its recent extreme. 

Meanwhile, we’ve got some new announcement and release news for you today…

The big news is that Universal has set Riddick for release on Blu-ray/DVD Combo on 1/14.  The digital release will happen on 12/17.  The BD will include an unrated director’s cut version of the film.  Extras will include 6 featurettes (Riddick: Blindsided, Meet the Mercs, Vin’s Riddick, The World of Riddick, Riddickian Tech and The Twohy Touch).  There will also be a new Riddick: Complete Collection on Blu-ray that same day that includes Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, Dark Fury and Riddick in one package.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, in the wake of our report from a few months ago on Paramount’s out-of-control retail exclusives on the Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-ray release (which quickly went viral around the Net and ultimately even inspired a Forbes piece), a follow-up post on this issue here at The Bits was inevitable.  Because the truth is, most of the Hollywood studios are involved in the practice of giving retailers special “exclusive” BD content they can advertise as “only available here!”  In fact, this has been going on for years.  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

Afternoon, folks!  And a special Veteran’s Day nod out to all those of you in uniform who might be serving around the world (and you ex-vets too).

We’re working on more reviews today and we do have one new review for you this afternoon here at The BitsJoe Marchese has checked in with a look at Kino’s The Hitch-Hiker (1953) on Blu-ray.  Do check it out.

In announcement news, we’ve got a number of interesting things to report for you today…  [Read on here]

Published in My Two Cents

We’re closing out the week with a very quick post.  Just two things in fact…

First, I’ve finally completed my in-depth review of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – Extended Edition on Blu-ray.  It includes 182 minutes of film (12 of which are new), 182 minutes of audio commentary, and 9 hours and 16 minutes of Appendices material.  That’s one spicy meatball.  And it’s worth digging into if you’re a fan of the film.  As I said yesterday, the footage added into the film doesn’t add up to much, but the documentaries are every bit as good as you’d expect.  If you’re a fan of these films and you enjoyed the previous Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions, don’t hesitate to make the purchase.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

Afternoon, everyone.  We should have that review of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – Extended Edition for you tomorrow.  However, the Cliff’s Notes version (for those of you wanting to know if you should buy it or not) is that the A/V quality is excellent, the extended footage doesn’t really add up to much (though there are a couple of nice character-enhancing moments), but the 9-hours worth of documentary material is terrific and well worth buying the disc for all by itself if you’re a Rings or Hobbit fan.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

Okay, we’ve got a very quick release news update for you to today.  I’m only about halfway through The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – Extended BD documentary features and I’ve about another 5 hours to go, so I need to get back to it if I’m ever going to get a review posted.

Meanwhile, here’s the latest title announcements…

The Cohen Film Collection is releasing The Vivien Leigh Collection on Blu-ray and DVD on 11/19, including 4 restored classic films – Fire Over England (1937), Dark Journey (1937), Storm in a Teacup (1937) and St. Martin’s Lane (1938).  SRP is $59.98 for Blu-ray and $49.98 for DVD.  [Read on here…]

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