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Tuesday, 09 May 2023 15:22

Please Stand By (While We Deal With Real World Matters)...


Afternoon, everyone!

I just wanted to pop in here quickly to say that news updates over the next few days will likely be limited. All of us here at the site have a lot of things going on personally, which are understandably absorbing most of our attention. And it’s always important to remember when you work online that real life matters come first.

Speaking personally, my father-in-law is here this week for a visit from the East Coast, so we’re enjoying our time with him. My wife and I have also added new some animal family members to the household here in SoCal, and we’re working to get them settled in. I also have a slate of doctors’ appointments scheduled for this week—just routine check-ups and that sort of thing.

And frankly, after the last few months of title announcements, disc releases, industry turmoil and changes, website upgrades and maintenance, and what have you, all of us need a few days to recharge our batteries. [Read on here...]

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That said, we’re still working on new disc reviews here at The Bits. In the last few days, I’ve personally posted reviews of Warner’s Superman II and Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut in 4K Ultra HD, as well as a look at Max Fleischer’s Superman on Blu-ray.

Dennis has checked in with his take on Ulu Grosbard’s Georgia (1995) on Blu-ray from Imprint.

Stuart has offered his take on Powerhouse Films and Indicator’s Enter Santo: The First Adventures of the Silver-Masked Man box set on Blu-ray.

And we have many more Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD reviews in the works.

We’re also expecting some significant new release and catalog announcements in the coming weeks. We’ve got a few other interesting projects brewing here at The Bits as well.

So thank you all for your patience over the next few days, be sure to check back for new reviews, and if any major news breaks I’ll try to pop in here to address it. I’ll be active on Twitter (@BillHuntBits) with any breaking news as well, so you’re all welcome to follow me there, and it’s a good place to reach me quickly if you need to.

Enjoy your week, my friends! We’ll back very soon. Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)