Items filtered by date: February 2011
Classic Reviews Round-Up #68 & New Announcements
Welcome to latest edition of Classic Coming Attractions.
This time out I have 19 reviews for you, including That Forsyte Woman, Brass Bancroft of the Secret Service, Two-Faced Woman, Cry Wolf (from the Warner Archive); The Prowler and Hell Harbor/Jungle Bride (from VCI); The Deputy: The Complete Series (from Timeless Media Group); America, America (from Warner Bros.); Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Seasons One - Three (from A&E); Perry Mason: Season 5, Volume 2 (from Paramount); The Mounted Stranger (from Grapevine Video); John Wayne: Bigger Than Life (from Synergy Entertainment); All About Eve and An Affair to Remember (on Blu-ray from Fox); Bambi (on Blu-ray from Disney); and Kansas City Confidential and The Stranger (on Blu-ray from Virgil Films/Film Chest).