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Thursday, 11 April 2019 15:55

Retro Release Day: Space: 1999 – 30th Anniversary Edition on DVD (2007)


Today’s Retro Release Day title here at The Bits ties into the Blu-ray news we announced earlier (see our post here). It’s A&E Home Video’s Space: 1999 – 30th Anniversary Edition box set, released on DVD on July 31, 2007.

Licensed from Network/ITV in the UK, the series was first released on DVD both in the US and UK beginning in 2001 – by A&E/New Video in the States and by Network in the UK. The US release was initially done via 8 2-disc sets (4 per season). In 2002, all 8 volumes were packaged together in a “Megaset” with an exclusive DVD bonus disc that includes the short follow-on video A Message from Moonbase Alpha.

The set you see at left and below is a repackaging of that same Megaset from 2002, re-issued in 2007 for the show’s anniversary. All 17 discs carried over, along with the bonus disc, simply packaged in ultra-thin DVD slim cases. [Read on here...]

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The US DVD release contained nearly everything that the UK release did, save for a handful of additional UK exclusives – adverts and the link specific to that country.

Space: 1999 - 30th Anniversary Edition (DVD)

Space: 1999 - 30th Anniversary Edition (DVD)

Space: 1999 - 30th Anniversary Edition (DVD)

Space: 1999 - 30th Anniversary Edition (DVD)

Eventually, with the advent of Blu-ray, Network remastered the complete series for HD from the original negatives. Series One was released on Blu-ray in the UK on 2010. Series Two was released on Blu-ray in the UK in 2015. Then a Complete Series package was released on Blu-ray in the UK in 2017.

Space: 1999 on Blu-ray (US and UK Season One sets)

Unfortunately, while New Video did release Season One of the series on Blu-ray on December 14, 2010, they declined to participate in licensing Season Two of the series from Network. This was a problem, because Network was using this licensing money to help fund the cost of remastering the show’s second season. This explains why there was a five year gap between their own releases.

Sadly, New Video’s decision also meant that Season Two was never released on Blu-ray here in the States, nor has there been a Complete Series Blu-ray release on this side of the Atlantic... until Shout! Factory finally announced their long-anticipated release today (which is due on 7/16).

Space: 1999 - The Complete Series (Blu-ray Disc)

It remains to be seen yet which of the previous US and UK special features will carry over to this new Blu-ray release, so if you have any of those previous versions on Blu-ray and DVD, you’re smart to hang onto them until we know more.

While we’re sharing, here’s a smattering of additional DVD content related to Space: 1999, including a Post-Con DVD from the Alpha: 2012 Space: 1999 convention, the Space: 1999/UFO Documentaries disc, and Gerry Anderson’s The Day After Tomorrow/Space Police on DVD.

Post-Con 2012, Space: 1999/UFO Documentaries, The Day After Tomorrow/Space Police (DVDs)

That’s it for today’s Retro Release Day! Check back Tuesday for the next installment, and if you share links to this column on social media, be sure to use tag #RetroReleaseDay.

Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)