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Tuesday, 28 November 2023 16:31

Oppenheimer 4K sell-out update: More product is being replicated by Universal


Afternoon folks! I just wanted to chime in here quickly this afternoon with a couple of quick updates.

I’m currently working on my 4K Ultra HD reviews of James Cameron’s Titanic and James Mangold’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, so I’ll be busy for the rest of the day on those.

In the meantime, we have three more new disc reviews for you all to enjoy this afternoon...

Tim has reviewed Roger Vadim’s Barbarella (1968) in 4K Ultra HD from the good people of Arrow Video.

Stephen has offered his thoughts on Stelvio Massi’s giallo Five Women for the Killer (1974) on Blu-ray from Vinegar Syndrome.

And Dennis has turned in his take on Larry Yang’s Ride On (2023), a Jackie Chan actioner on Blu-ray from Well Go USA Entertainment. [Read on here...]

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Meanwhile, I’ve just confirmed with Disney that the Best Buy Avatar 4K Steelbook is the previous version of the title in 4K (released back in June and reviewed here on The Bits), not the new Collector’s Edition 4K release that streets on 12/19. So if you want the Collector’s Edition (with all three versions of the film) you’ll have to purchase that separately. Just FYI.

Finally, with Oppenheimer 4K seeming selling out everywhere online and in brick-and-mortar retailers as well, I asked Universal for an official statement yesterday and the studio came back with this comment this morning:

“We are happy so many consumers are embracing Oppenheimer in 4K Ultra HD and understand that some retailers may currently be out of stock. Universal is working to replenish those retailers quickly so fans can watch the film at home in the best picture quality possible.”

I believe that’s been sent out to other news outlets as well, so it’s the real deal. With luck, you shouldn’t have to wait long to get a copy of the title in your hands.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)