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Wednesday, 22 November 2023 14:56

Thanksgiving Eve brings our Barbie 4K review, plus Oppenheimer, and the amazing Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show box set!


Afternoon, everyone! On this balmy day before Thanksgiving, we’ve got a trio of new disc reviews for you all to enjoy…

Dennis has offered his thoughts on Harry Beaumont’s Dance, Fools, Dance (1931) on Blu-ray from the Warner Archive Collection, as well as Brad Watson’s The Siege (2023) on Blu-ray from Well Go USA Entertainment.

And Tim has turned in his take on the box-office bonanza that is Greta Gerwig’s fascinating and unexpected Barbie (2023) in 4K Ultra HD from Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment, which more than lives up to its clever marketing pitch: “If you love Barbie, this movie is for you!” and “If you hate Barbie, this movie is for you!” In my humble opinion, any film that starts with a bang-on spoof of Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is worthy of serious consideration.

So we hope you enjoy those, and be aware that we’ll have one more review for you in time for the holiday tomorrow. As I’m sitting here in The Bits’ palatial West Coast headquarters drinking my morning coffee, I’m waiting patiently for the arrival of our review copy of Oppenheimer 4K, which should be here any time. [Read on here...]

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And I’m told that we’ll have the Titanic: Collector’s Edition 4K box set for review here early next week. Rest assured, when those do show up, I’ll dive right into them and get the reviews posted here ASAP.

[Editor’s Note: Oppenheimer 4K actually arrived while I was composing this post, so watch for the review tonight or early tomorrow morning.]

In the meantime, look what else just showed up on our doorstep…

Our good friends over at Vinegar Syndrome have just sent us their amazing Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show Blu-ray box set! And nobody does great packaging like they do, so I wanted to show it off for you guys.

Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show (Blu-ray Box Set)

The package comes in an absolutely beautiful and sturdy library box that features a magnetic clasp cover. It opens up on both sides and then folds out to reveal twin slipcases that hold the discs—six Blu-rays in two Amaray cases, each with their own slipcovers and all of it featuring custom artwork—as well as two 40-page books of filled with liner notes and rare imagery!

Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show (Blu-ray Box Set)

Then, as you can see, the inside of the library box features examples of vintage newspaper-style ads for some of the films in the set…

Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show (Blu-ray Box Set)

…which include Walter Burns’ Barbara (1970), Oliver Drake’s The Las Vegas Strangler (1968 – aka No Tears for the Damned), Titus Moede’s The Last of the American Hoboes (1971), Charles Nizet’s Voodoo Heartbeat (1970 – aka The Sex Serum of Dr. Blake), Carlos Tobalina and Bill Cable’s What’s Love (1987), Larry Crane’s Beware the Black Widow (1968), Joe Sarno’s Deep Inside (1968), Donn Greer’s The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle (1974), James Newslow’s Red Midnight (1966), and Albert Zugsmith’s Violated! (1973).

The package also offers lots of special features, including audio commentaries, introductions for each film by the Vinegar Syndrome team, trailers, alternate title sequences, outtakes, and two great new video pieces including Deep Inside Vinegar Syndrome (a walk-through of the company’s headquarters) and Against the Grain (a feature-length documentary on the effort to recover and restore rare and forgotten genre films)!

Let me tell you, this is an absolutely terrific package of weird and ‘psychotronic’ exploitation cinema gems, and you’ll find it available for sale on the Vinegar Syndrome website starting at 12:01 AM Eastern on Black Friday (11/24) at this link (click here). Tell ‘em The Bits sent you!

Vinegar Syndrome Lost Picture Show (Blu-ray Box Set)

That’s all for now. Be sure to check back tonight or tomorrow morning for our Oppenheimer 4K review, and don’t forget that if you’re shopping for early Black Friday Deals on Amazon, we’d appreciate it if you clicked through to them from one of our affiliate links first (like this one).

In the meantime, from all of us here at The Digital Bits, we wish you all safe travels and a very Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends! And peace and love out to all the rest of you, wherever on planet Earth you may be.

Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)