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Thursday, 25 October 2018 14:47

2001 4K officially delayed to 11/20, plus Batman: TAS and Thing from Another World updates & new Blu-ray reviews


All right, sorry we’ve been a little low-key here at The Bits this week. We’ve been spending our time in one of two ways:

First, we’re recovering from our recent server and Russian bot issues and doing some upgrading and adjusting to make sure everything is working smoothly going forward.

Second, we’re reviewing Blu-ray and 4K titles like mad!

Today, we’ve posted my looks at Universal’s Invisible Man, The: Complete Legacy Collection and Creature from the Black Lagoon: Complete Legacy Collection. Tim has also delivered his thoughts on Maximum Overdrive from Lionsgate’s Vestron Video Collector’s Series. David has offered his thoughts on the Japanese cult classic Battle in Outer Space from Sony. And Dennis has turned in his review of the new City Slickers: Collector’s Edition from Shout! Factory’s Shout Select line-up. Enjoy! [Read on here...]

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Just so you know, I expect to have Warner’s The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions in 4K Ultra HD any time now. 2001: A Space Odyssey on 4K and Batman: The Animated Series on Blu-ray should be coming in for review between now and Tuesday. And Superman: The Movie 4K will not be far behind. Before you ask: Yes, I will be reviewing the hell out of all of these titles as soon as they arrive.

On that note, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has officially delayed the 4K Ultra HD release of 2001: A Space Odyssey from 10/30 to 11/20. We suspect it’s just an issue of replication under capacity causing delays in getting enough product finished for street date. Now... some people are already getting notices from Amazon and Zavvi that their copies have shipped or are about to. So this may be one of those situations were product just kind of tumbles out slowly over the next three weeks. But the official street date is now 11/20 per WBHE, so adjust your plans accordingly.

And on a similar note, I’ve confirmed with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment that Tuesday’s release of Batman: The Animated Series on Blu-ray is still proceeding as expected. There was a bit of concern, given that the title had been temporarily pulled for pre-order on Amazon, but it’s now back up and product is expected to ship for 10/30 as planned. Click here or on the cover artwork below to pre-order it.

One last Warner Archive comment... they’ve just shared an official note on their upcoming release of The Thing From Another World on Blu-ray. Here it is...

“Yes, this new master has been sourced from 35mm film elements. The restored ‘missing’ sequences have been taken from later generation elements, so subtle and slight differences will be discernible. However, the restoration work has been under way for quite some in order to bring the release up to our customary high standards and we are quite pleased with the results. In addition, the opening titles have been corrected to the proper size and aspect ratio for the first time since its original release. Interested parties should look out for an upcoming Warner Archive Collection Podcast in which we will go into greater and more in depth details. As always, thanks for your support – and ‘keep watching the skies!’”

We’ll leave you with a look at the cover artwork for a few of the titles mentioned above. Click the images to pre-order them on, if available…

2001: A Space Odyssey (4K Ultra HD) The Thing from Another World (Blu-ray Disc) Batman: The Animated Series (Blu-ray Disc)

The Matrix Trilogy (4K Ultra HD) The Matrix Reloaded (4K Ultra HD) The Matrix Revolutions (4K Ultra HD)

All right, enjoy those reviews, watch for more, and stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)