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Thursday, 23 October 2014 15:41

Doctor Who: S8, This Is Where I Leave You, Working Girl, The One I Love, Olive’s December & more


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Today’s Hell Plaza Oktoberfest Blu-ray review from Dr. Jahnke is another great one from Scream Factory – Brian de Palma’s 1974 cult classic Phantom of Paradise. It’s well worth your time, so do check out both Adam’s review and the film on Blu-ray.

Now then... I’m about six hours into a return to Middle-Earth with Warner’s The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug – Extended Edition Blu-ray. But that means I’ve still got like ten hours of viewing to go. The disc has no less than TEN hours of documentary content, plus the film is over three hours (with about 25 minutes of new and extended footage) and has an audio commentary too. So I would say plan on reading my full review of the 5-disc BD set bright and early on Monday morning here at The Bits.  [Read on here…]

Meanwhile, in news today, Warner Home Video has set This Is Where I Leave You for Blu-ray Combo and DVD release on 12/16. Extras will include The Narrative Voice: A Commentary with Shawn Levy and Jonathan Tropper, The Narrative Voice: A Discussion with Shawn Levy and Jonathan Tropper, The Gospel According to Rabbi Boner, Points of Departure, and deleted and extended scenes. So I think that means a commentary and three featurettes.

Scream Factory has confirmed that the British horror films Tales from the Crypt and Vault of Horror will be released as a double feature Blu-ray on 12/2. From the press release: “Featuring the rare, uncut version of Vault of Horror, the two disc set includes three different cuts of the cult classic. The first disc will include Tales from the Crypt and Vault of Horror’s uncut widescreen presentation. The second disc will include Vault of Horror’s theatrical PG cut and a rare open-matte version of the BFI master. The release also includes an original trailer and an alternate opening scene for Vault of Horror.”

Here’s a nice surprise: 20th Century Fox has set Working Girl for release on Blu-ray on 1/6/15.

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BBC Home Entertainment has set Doctor Who: The Complete Eighth Series for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/9. Extras will include footage from London Post-Premiere Q&A (with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat) and episode commentaries (for Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, The Caretaker, and Kill the Moon) – all exclusive to Blu-ray – plus 12 behind-the-scenes featurettes, 4 Doctor Who Exclusive featurettes, a Tour of the TARDIS, the Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord and Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion special (with Fifth Doctor Peter Davison), the Doctor Who: Earth Conquest world tour documentary, the Doctor Who: Deep Breath Live Pre-Show & After Who Live (hosted by comedian and Doctor Who superfan Chris Hardwick), and Foxes’ Don’t Stop Me Now music video.

Anchor Bay and RADiUS-TWC will release The One I Love on Blu-ray and DVD on 11/4.

Screen Media has set Young Ones for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/13/15. The film stars Nicholas Hoult and Michael Shannon.

Dark Sky Films has set The House at the End of Time for DVD only release on 11/11.

Vinegar Syndrome has set Christmas Evil for Blu-ray Combo release on 11/18.

Finally, Olive Films has announced their December Blu-ray slate, set to include Appointment with Danger (1951), Dark City (1951), Hurry Sundown (1967), Rope of Sand (1949), Skidoo (1968), Such Good Friends (1971), Union Station (1950).

Here’s a bit of cover artwork for some of the abovementioned titles (we’ll add the Olive title links as they become available)... 

Doctor Who: The Complete Eighth Series (Blu-ray Disc)    This Is Where I Leave You (Blu-ray Disc)    And So It Goes (Blu-ray Disc)

Dark City (Blu-ray Disc)    Union Station (Blu-ray Disc)    If I Stay (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt