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Thursday, 22 October 2015 12:35

Blu-ray News – HBO ’s True Detective: Season 2, more upcoming Kino Lorber & Man from Uncle art


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Tim’s Halloween Hangover Blu-ray review today is a look at Roger Corman’s Tales of Terror (1962) from Kino Lorber.

In announcement news today, HBO has set True Detective: Season Two for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/5.  [Read on here…]

Anchor Bay and the Weinstein Company have officially set No Escape for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/24.

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has set episodes of Kingdom: Season Two for digital release the day after they broadcast on the Audience network on both DirecTV and U-Verse.

Cohen Media Group has set François Ozon’s The New Girlfriend for Blu-ray release on 1/26.

Shout! Factory has set Jack’s Back for Blu-ray/DVD Combo release on 1/26 as well. The film stars James Spader. They also have Contracted: Phase II set for Blu-ray/DVD Combo release on 1/12.

Sony Classics has Infinitely Polar Bear set for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/5.

And Kino Lorber has announced that they’re working on The Magnetic Monster (1953), Panic in Year Zero! (1962), and Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962) – no street dates are yet available. They also have Queen of Blood (1966) due on 12/1, Curse of the Faceless Man (1958) on 2/16, and Gog (1954) on 3/1, and Donovan’s Brain (1953) and Black Sheep (1966) due on 3/22. Kino has also set Figures in a Landscape for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/12.

Also, a couple quick follow-ups from yesterday

First, it looks like Eagle Rock’s Queen: A Night at the Odeon (due 11/20) is an SD Blu-ray. Their press release was a little unclear, but we’ve confirmed that’s what it is.

And the individual Blu-ray SKUs for Fox’s The X-Files are slowly being added to Amazon’s pre-order database, but only some of them are in so far. We’ll update our links and post final cover artwork as soon as we have it.

Here’s a little more new Blu-ray cover artwork for you, with Amazon pre-order links if available, including final artwork for Warner’s The Man from Uncle...

The Man from Uncle (Blu-ray Disc)    Mr. Robot: Season One (Blu-ray Disc)    Deep in My Heart (Blu-ray Disc)

Infinitely Polar Bear (Blu-ray Disc)    The Girl on the Train (Blu-ray Disc)    Eight Men Out (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned...

Bill Hunt