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Wednesday, 07 October 2015 00:43

Blu-ray News – Here’s the official cover artwork for Fox’s The X-Files: The Complete Series on Blu-ray


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Well… we’ve waited a long time for The X-Files: The Complete Series to be released on Blu-ray. It’s been nearly three full years in fact since we first reported in The Rumor Mill here that the project was being remastered in HD for an eventual BD release. And here it finally is… almost! Fox Connect briefly revealed the cover art yesterday (see below), the SRP ($225 USD), and the street date (12/8). BUT… then they immediately pulled it down again. We would guess this means that the official announcement is imminent. So stay tuned for that. In the meantime, here’s what the packaging is going to look like…  [Read on here…]

The X-Files: The Complete Series (Blu-ray Disc)

Not bad. I’ll bet it’s heavy. No word on extras, A/V specs, and whether or not the films will be included. But we’ll get to that in the next day or two I’m sure. Meanwhile, we’ll watch closely for the official announcement and post that as soon as it comes in.

Stay tuned! 

Bill Hunt