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Friday, 19 September 2014 13:17

Intruders, Extant, Diamond Luxe delay, Supermensch, new Kino & TVD, plus Clone Wars: Lost Missions


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We’ve got just a few quick-but-good pieces of announcement news for you today, before we send you off to your weekend activities of choice.

First, our own Dr. Adam Jahnke has just posed another installment of A Honor to Be Nominated in his Jahnke’s Electric Theatre column, this one looking back at Melvin Frank’s 1973 film A Touch of Class, starring George Segal and Glenda Jackson. Hey, it was good enough for Best Picture consideration, so do check it out.  [Read on here…]

First up, Warner Home Video has announced that the street date for their upcoming Diamond Luxe Editions Blu-ray releases has been bumped from 9/30 to 12/9. These include The Green Mile: 15th Anniversary Edition, the Natural Born Killers: 20th Anniversary Edition, the Forrest Gump: 20th Anniversary Two-Disc Special Edition, the Gremlins: 30th Anniversary Two-Disc Special Edition, and the Ben-Hur: Two-Disc Blu-ray “with Bonus Special Features Disc.” Adjust your plans accordingly.

Meanwhile, BBC Home Entertainment has just set their Intruders: Season One for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/23. This is a creepy and effectively little show – well worth checking out. It’s produced by Glen Morgan of The X-Files, Millennium and Space: Above and Beyond fame, and is based on a 2007 novel by Michael Marshall Smith. There’s just 8 episodes in the first season, so do give it a look.

IFC will release At the Devil’s Door on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/16.

MPI has set The Trip to Italy for release on both formats on 12/23.

Kino Lorber has announced more catalog films for release on 12/2, including Ray Rowland’s Witness to Murder, Andrew Davis’ The Package, Sidney Lumet’s The Offense, and Robert Culp’s Hickey & Boggs (scripted by Walter Hill and reuniting Culp with his I Spy co-star Bill Cosby).

Anchor Bay and RADiUS TWC have set Mike Myers’ Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon for Blu-ray and DVD release on 10/7 as an Amazon-exclusive.

CBS has revealed the extras that will be included on their Blu-ray and DVD release of Extant: Season One on 12/16. Look for 4 featurettes (The Story of Extant, The Mythology of Extant, The Cast, Filming Season One) and “additional features that examine the show’s props, costumes and stunning visual effects.”

Disney has announced a slate of TV DVD titles for release in December, including Castle: The Complete Fifth Season, Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Ninth Season, Nashville: The Complete First Season, Revenge: The Complete Second Season, Scandal: The Complete Second Season, and Once Upon a Time: The Complete Second Season all on 12/7. Of these Once Upon a Time will also be release on Blu-ray.

This should be considered unofficial, but word from retail sources is that Disney (in about three weeks time) is going to announce Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Lost Missions for Blu-ray and DVD release before the end of the year.

It also looks as if Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is going to arrive on Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray, and DVD from Disney sometime in the first couple weeks of December.

And finally, “sports” has announced that “2014 World Series Film” will debut on Blu-ray and DVD on 11/25. Of course, by “sports” I mean MLB Productions and A&E.  The particulars of which team beats which other team has yet to be determined. Though I think it’s safe to assume The New York Knights and The Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball Team will not be among them.

Here’s some cover art…

Shameless: The Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray Disc)    Extant: Season One (Blu-ray Disc)    Supermench (Blu-ray Disc)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

- Bill Hunt