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Wednesday, 08 January 2020 17:35

Ford v Ferrari officially announced, plus Queen & Slim, Ip Man 4, and Force 10 from Navarone


All right, it turns out that other than the usual new models of 4K and 8K display—and the Filmmaker Mode announcement that we already covered—there’s not really a whole lot of worthy 4K UHD news to report from CES 2020.

So we’re working new disc reviews for you, including a number of 4K Ultra HD titles that we expect to start posting tomorrow.

We do have one new review for you for today: Tim has checked out Scream Factory’s new Blu-ray release of Val Guest’s The Abominable Snowman (1957), a Hammer Films title some of you may have missed. Do give it a look.

Now them... we do have some good new title announcements, as well as some new cover artwork to share with you today. [Read on here...]

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First up, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has just officially set James Mangold’s Ford v Ferrari for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 2/11, with the Digital release expected on 1/28. Extras on all versions will include the 8-part, 60-minute Bringing the Rivalry to Life documentary. Additional Digital only extras will include The 24 Hour Le Mans: Recreating the Course, Matt and Christian: The Conversation (only on iTunes), and Pre-Vis: Daytona & Le Mans Races. Audio is Dolby Atmos on 4K. You can see the cover artwork above left and also below.

Also newly announced by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is Queen & Slim for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 3/3, with the Digital due on 2/18. Look for Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio. Extras on the Blu-ray versions will include audio commentary with director/producer Melina Matsoukas and writer/producer Lena Waithe and 4 featurettes (A Deeper Meaning, Melina & Lena, Off the Script, and On the Run with Queen & Slim). You can see the cover art below.

One more 4K title... look for Well Go USA to release Ip Man 4: The Finale on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 4/21.

And here’s some good catalog Blu-ray news from our friends at Kino Lorber Studio Classics: They’ve just set Guy Hamilton’s Force 10 from Navarone (1978) for release on Blu-ray mastered from a new 2K scan of the film. You’ll also get a brand new audio commentary by filmmaker/historian Steve Mitchell and Combat Films: American Realism author Steven Jay Rubin. The film stars Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford, Carl Weathers, Barbara Bach, Franco Nero, and Richard Kiel, and is of course a sequel to J. Lee Thompson’s The Guns of Navarone (1961).

All right, here’s a look at the cover artwork for some of the titles listed above (with Amazon pre-order links if available)...

Ford v Ferrari (Blu-ray Disc) Queen & Slim (4K Ultra HD) Jojo Rabbit (4K Ultra HD)

Midway (4K Ultra HD) Force 10 from Navarone (Blu-ray Disc) Color Out of Space (4K Ultra HD)

1917 (4K Ultra HD) The Jungle Book (4K Ultra HD) Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (4K Ultra HD)

Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)