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Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:01

Oktoberfest Fossil Creature Hand Giveaway – And the Winner Is…


In honor of the Hell Plaza Oktoberfest, our friends at Factory Entertainment have provided a number of great Universal Classic Monster prop replicas to give away to our readers!  Our first giveaway happened this afternoon and featured none other than the limited edition Fossil Creature Hand prop replica from the 1954 gem Creature from the Black Lagoon!  [Read on here...]

Our giveaway is now CLOSED and the winner has been chosen: Congratulations to Jamie Horton of San Antonio, Texas!  Jamie was selected in our random drawing from among today’s eligible entries – 477 in all!

For those who may be wondering, the answer to our question was…

What’s the name of the steamer ship used by the expedition in the film?  The Rita!

The Rita from Creature from the Black Lagoon!

Special thanks again to our friends at Factory Entertainment for providing our prize.  More Factory Entertainment prop replicas will be given away throughout the month here on The Digital Bits website and also on The Bits Facebook page and the Jahnke’s Electric Theater Facebook page, so be sure to stay tuned!

Bill Hunt

Factory Entertainment's Fossil Creature Hand Prop Replica!

Factory Entertainment