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Tuesday, 09 September 2014 17:50

The Conformist, Dr. Caligari & The Bubble 3D, plus a nice batch of new column updates & BD reviews


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for great Blu-ray, DVD and film discussion with other readers and for live updates on your mobile device when new content is posted here!]

We’ve got a lot for you today here at The Bits, starting with a pair of regular columns: Todd Doogan’s Doogan’s Queue (which runs down this week’s latest releases on Blu-ray and DVD) and Adam Jahnke’s Burnt Offerings: MOD DVD (which looks at the latest deep catalog BD & DVD titles available from Warner Archive, Sony Picture Choice, and the Universal Vault). Both columns are pretty loaded today, so don’t miss them.  [Read on here…]

Also this afternoon, Doogan has turned in a Blu-ray review of Ossie Davis’ 1970 Cotton Comes to Harlem from Kino. Tim joins in on the Kino review fun with a look at their Breakheart Pass on Blu-ray, featuring Charles Bronson. Enjoy!

And as always, our own Russell Hammond has posted the weekly update of the Release Dates & Artwork section featuring all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork, as well as pre-order links, your use of which helps greatly in supporting our work here at The Digital Bits, so we appreciate it!

One quick note: I know that I promised you an update on the future of Star Trek TV series on Blu-ray. I’ll have it for you here tomorrow instead.  My apologies, but in the wake of my Blu-ray 4K column from yesterday, I’ve had a flurry of calls and e-mails to respond to today. I’ll make sure my Trek comments are in an early post, so it should be here when you check The Bits first thing in the morning.

Now then… in announcement news today, Raro Video has set Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Conformist for Blu-ray release on 11/25 (SRP $29.95), mastered from a new HD transfer. That should be pretty good.

Kino Video, meanwhile, has set Robert Wiene’s 1920 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari for Blu-ray release here in the States on 11/18 (SRP $29.95), also remastered via a new 4K scan of the camera negative. Extras will include a booklet essay by Kristin Thompson, the 27-minute Caligari: How Horror Came to the Cinema documentary, a new music score by Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky), an image gallery, and a restoration demonstration.

Kino is also releasing The Bubble 3D on Blu-ray 3D Combo on 11/18. The 1966 film was produced using the “Space-Vision 3D” system. And they have The Dirt Bike Kid coming on Blu that same day. Yes, the Peter Billingsley film.

Finally, we’ve also learned today that Studio Canal (and thus Lionsgate here in the States) is planning to release further seasons of the classic TV The Avengers on Blu-ray. As you know, Season Five streets on the format on 11/11. Thanks to Bits reader Tim H. for the heads-up.

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover artwork for The Conformist, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Bubble 3D, along with Scream’s Lord of Illusions (due due 12/16), and the two new Cinerama titles from Flicker Alley (due 11/11). All are now available for pre-order on Amazon by clicking on the covers…

The Conformist (Blu-ray Disc)    Cabinet of Dr. Calilgari (Blu-ray Disc)    The Bubble 3D (Blu-ray Disc)

Lord of Illusions (Blu-ray Disc)    Search for Paradise: Cinerama (Blu-ray Disc)    Seven Wonders of the World: Cinerama (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow to talk Trek! Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt