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Tuesday, 02 May 2017 20:01

Logan on 5/23, new Spider-Man sets on 6/13, and Power Rangers on 6/27, all in BD/4K


All right, for those of you who might be interested, I’ve posted a review of the new Heat: Director’s Definitive Edition Blu-ray from 20th Century Fox. In a nutshell, the picture and sound are substantially upgraded, all the extras carry over from past BD and DVD editions, and there’s an hour of new content too. It’s well worth the $8 it’ll cost you to upgrade on Amazon right now, should you so choose (and you should).

Speaking of Fox, the studio has just officially set Logan for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD release on 5/23. That’s only three weeks from now. We’re waiting on the official details from Fox, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, the release is expected to include the theatrical cut, Logan: Noir (a black and white version of the film), audio commentary by director James Mangold, deleted scenes with optional director’s commentary, and the Making Logan documentary. It also appears that Wal-Mart will get a retail exclusive version with commemorative posters. [Read on here…]

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Not to be outdone today, Lionsgate has just set the recent live action Power Rangers film for release on 6/27. Look for it on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD. We expect those release details soon too.

Finally this afternoon, and based on retail information, it looks as if Sony Pictures Home Entertainment may be getting ready to release a new Spider-Man Origins: Limited Edition Collection on Blu-ray on 6/13, which would be a 4-disc set that’s expected to include Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 and 2.1, Spider-Man 3, and – just maybe – a new Spider-Man 3.1 cut from director Sam Raimi too. There’s also The Spider-Man Evolution: Limited Edition Collection coming that day as a 3-disc set, with both reboot Amazing Spider-Man films. And for 4K fans, it appears that The Spider-Man Legacy Collection is coming in Ultra HD as well. All of this, of course, would be meant to tie into the 7/7 theatrical release of the new Spider-Man: Homecoming feature film. We’re trying to confirm this with Sony, but – third time’s the charm today – we expect official announcements any day now.

That’s all for now. Back tomorrow. Stay tuned…

- Bill Hunt