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Tuesday, 09 February 2016 18:26

Doris Day & Rock Hudson on BD, plus Blood Bath, Haven, The X-Files & a new View from the Cheat Seats


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here.]

We’re kicking things off this afternoon with my review of the BBC’s Sherlock: The Abominable Bride on Blu-ray Disc. Sherlock is an absolutely fantastic series, if you haven’t already picked it up yet. I highly recommend it.

Also here at the site today, we’re pleased to welcome our very own Bud Elder back after a bit of an absence. He’s been a busy fellow these last few months, but he returns today with a new View from the Cheap Seats column featuring some thoughts on Film Noir and recent “B” classics on disc. Don’t miss it.  [Read on here…]

And our very own Russell Hammond has posted the weekly update of the Release Dates & Artwork section, featuring all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and pre-order links. As always, anytime you order literally anything from Amazon in the same session after clicking through to them from any of our links, you’re helping to support our work here at The Bits and we appreciate it enormously. So thank you!

Now then... I’ve finally had the chance to get my hands on Fox’s BD replacement discs for The X-Files: Season 8. They are indeed looking much better, with contrast at a more normal setting and less crushed blacks. The only way to identify the fixed discs is that, on the data side, the serial numbers on the inner disc ring has a little tiny “V2” at the end. Also, it seems to me that the printed artwork on the upper surface of each disc may be a bit lighter than on the defective discs, but that could just be a quirk of printing on my copies. In any case, we don’t yet know how you’ll be able to spot fixed Season 8 discs in stores, so my strong recommendation is that you simply buy the discs now and do the exchange while it’s available. See the end of my review of The X-Files: Complete Seasons 1-9 Blu-ray box set for all the relevant instructions. If you e-mail Fox and they don’t get back to you immediately, keep trying and check to make sure their replies aren’t ending up in your SPAM filter.

We’ve got just a little bit of release news for you today, but it starts with Universal, which has just announced the 4/19 Blu-ray release of The Doris Day and Rock Hudson Romantic Comedy Collection. The 3-disc set (SRP $35.98) will include Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, and Send Me No Flowers. Pillow Talk has been released on BD previously, but I believe the other two are new to the format.

Also, Arrow Video has just set Jack Hill’s Blood Bath for Blu-ray release on 5/30.

IFC Films has set Dementia for Blu-ray and DVD combo release on 5/17.

Entertainment One will release Haven: The Final Season on Blu-ray and DVD on 4/19.

Lionsgate will release Norm of the North on Blu-ray on 4/19.

And finally, Momentum Pictures will release Intruders on DVD only on 3/1.

Back with more tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)