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Friday, 30 December 2016 19:10

Celebrating Around the World in 80 Days, plus The Shallows 4K review, Sherlock on Sunday & CES 2017!


Okay, we’ve got some good stuff for you today here at The Bits...

First up, our own Michael Coate has just turned in another new History, Legacy & Showmanship column here at the site, this time featuring a look back at Michael Todd’s Around the World in 80 Days in honor of the film’s 60th anniversary! His roundtable discussion includes film historians Sheldon Hall, Martin Hart, and Kim Holston. Do give it a look, as we think you’ll really enjoy it. And, believe it or not, Michael has one last retrospective History, Legacy & Showmanship column for 2016 coming tomorrow afternoon, so be sure to check back then for it.  [Read on here…]

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Also here at The Bits today, Tim has turned in a new Blu-ray review, featuring his thoughts on Lionsgate’s new Vestron Video Collector’s Series release of Return of the Living Dead 3. Sounds like it’s a pretty good little disc, so do give it a look.

Finally, I’ve turned in another 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray review, this one of Jaume Collet-Serra’s surprisingly effective shark attack/suspense thriller The Shallows, now available from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. It’s quite a good little film and it makes fine Saturday afternoon viewing.

Now then... a couple of notes. I’m going to be working on (and posting) more new 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray reviews over the weekend and into next week. So do check back each day over the holiday weekend for some of those as they go live.

I’m also going to be posting my in-depth review of Oppo’s terrific new UDP-203 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray player early next week. It’s every bit the reference player some of you guys have been waiting for on this format.

Of course, next week is the big annual CES (Consumer Electronics Show) convention in Las Vegas. We expect there to be at least some good news regarding the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format. We can almost certainly expect to hear of new player models, and there will definitely be lots of new 4K displays announced. We’re hoping (and our sources tell us there’s about a 50/50 chance of it) that Disney will finally announce their intention to release titles on the 4K UHD format in 2017. Either way, we also expect to learn of some good new catalog titles that are quietly being prepared for release on the format next year. So be sure to check back with us on Monday as press announcements begin to hit the wires. The show itself runs Thursday through Sunday (1/5-1/8) but we usually see announcements begin earlier in the week, so we’ll see.

Finally today, if you’re a Sherlock fan, don’t forget that long-awaited fourth season of the show officially kicks off this Sunday both in the U.S. (on PBS Masterpiece) and the U.K. (on BBC One). Click the links provided for all the details and be sure to check your local listings for broadcast times. Looks like it’s going to be pretty great, so you definitely don’t want to miss it.

And that’s all for today. As I said, check back tomorrow for at least one more 4K review and Michael’s final column for 2017.

In any case, all of us here at The Digital Bits would like to wish you all a very safe and Happy New Year! Fingers crossed that 2017 will be a better year for all of us than 2016 has been, and that maybe some of these iconic celebrity deaths will taper off. At least it’s a fresh start.

See you tomorrow. Stay tuned...!

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)