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Tuesday, 10 December 2013 16:23

Jaws: Bottle Opener review, Samson and Delilah, Sabrina, Funny Face, Bonnie & Clyde TV & more!


Well, folks... I continue to battle this damn flu, but I think I’ve got the better of it today at least.  At any rate, we’ve got some good stuff here at the site today.

First, we’ve got a new review for you.  Actually, it’s a rare hardware review here at The Bits.  You see, we’ve found a piece of hardware so awesome, so useful and cool, that we just couldn’t help ourselves but have a little fun with it: Factory Entertainment’s Jaws: Collectible Bottle Opener.  So here’s our very own Todd Doogan to put old Bruce through his paces.  It’s definitely gets the Bits recommendation for great holiday stocking stuffer ideas.

Also today, Russell Hammond has posted the weekly Release Dates & Artwork section update featuring all the latest Blu-ray, DVD and Video Game (now including Xbox One and PS4) cover art and pre-order links.  And as always, a portion of anything you order from Amazon after clicking to them through our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we really do appreciate it.

Now then, we’ve got some interesting announcement news for you today... [Read on here...]

Let’s have some classic release news first:  Paramount has officially set Cecil B. Demille’s Samson and Delilah for release on Blu-ray Disc on 3/11 (SRP $24.99), mastered from a new 4K negative scan.  The disc will include the theatrical trailer.

Also today, Warner Home Video has officially set the Audrey Hepburn classics Sabrina and Funny Face for release on Blu-ray Disc on 4/8 (SRP $19.98 each).  Sabrina will include 6 featurettes (Audrey Hepburn: Fashion Icon, Sabrina’s World, Supporting Sabrina, William Holden: The Paramount Years, Behind the Gates: Camera and Sabrina).  Funny Face will include 5 featurettes (Kay Thompson: Think Pink!, This Is VistaVision, Fashion Photographers Exposed, The Fashion Designer and His Muse and Parisian Dreams) as well as the theatrical trailer.

In new release material, Sony has set the new History Channel/Lifetime/A&E mini-series Bonnie & Clyde for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/28.  Extras on the Blu-ray will include 4 featurettes (A Legendary Story Revisited, Iconography: The Story of Bonnie & Clyde, Becoming Bonnie and Becoming Clyde).

And 20th Century Fox has set Romeo + Juliet for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 2/4. This is the new film directed by Carlo Carlei, starring Hailee Steinfeld and Douglas Booth.  Extras will include 4 featurettes and a trailer.

Meanwhile, Shout! Factory has set Bullet in the Face: The Complete Series on DVD on 1/21 (SRP $19.97).

Anchor Bay and RADiUS-TWC will release the Robert Reich documentary Inequality for All on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/7.

Anchor Bay will also release the Syfy Original film End of the World on DVD only on 3/11 (SRP $19.98).

Lionsgate will release the home invasion thriller You’re Next on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/14.

Cinedigm has set Be My Valentine for DVD release on 1/14.

Entertainment One will release Jim Mickle’s Gothic horror title We Are What We Are on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/7.

And Well Go USA will release Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon on Blu-ray and DVD on 2/11.

Finally, here’s something interesting: Apparently CBS is taking the success of classic Star Trek on Blu-ray as a chance to explore sales of I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show on Blu-ray as well.  Both series were briefly up for pre-order on Amazon yesterday, though the listings have since been pulled.  It certainly make sense.  We know Twin Peaks is coming and other classic shows (Twilight Zone, Dick Van Dyke, etc) have sold fairly well in HD. Why not give it a try?

We’ll leave you with some cover artwork for Paramount’s Samson and Delilah, Fox’s Romeo + Juliet, Sony’s Bonnie & Clyde, Warner’s Sabrina and Funny Face, and Universal’s Rush (due 1/28)...

Samson and Delilah (Blu-ray Disc)    Romeo + Juliet (Blu-ray Disc)    Bonnie & Clyde (Blu-ray Disc)

Sabrina (Blu-ray Disc)    Funny Face (Blu-ray Disc)    Rush (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt