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Thursday, 14 November 2013 11:53

Oliver! & Trek: TNG – S5 reviews, plus Lauzirika’s Crave & CBS’s Twin Peaks BDs coming soon!


All right, we promised you some reviews and we’ve got a couple for you this morning.  Plus there’s some very exciting release news.  More on that in a minute.

First, I’ve turned in my thoughts on Twilight Time’s Oliver!, a nice Blu-ray upgrade of the classic musical.  It sports a fine transfer, nearly all of the previous DVD extras and new content as well.  Just 3,000 copies are available – see the review for details.

Also, I’ve finished a review of CBS’ forthcoming Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Five on Blu-ray, which features 26 more episodes, all of the previous DVD extras (including the Best Buy bonus featurettes) and abundant new material too, including 4 audio commentaries, deleted scenes and a gag reel in HD and over 90 minutes of great new documentary content from our friends Roger Lay, Jr. and Robert Meyer Burnett.  Don’t miss it.  [Read on here…]

In other news, I’m pleased to report that our old friend (and veteran special edition producer) Charles de Lauzirika has signed a deal with Phase 4 Films to distribute his first feature film, Crave, on home video!  The psychological thriller will open in a limited theatrical run around the country on 12/6 and will be available for digital purchase on iTunes that same day.  What’s more, Charlie tells me that Phase 4 will release Crave on Blu-ray in early 2014 and, given his expertise in creating great Blu-ray and DVD special editions, you can expect the disc to be loaded with content.  This is really cool news.  I remember reading an early draft of the script that ultimately became Crave years ago, as well as attending the first screening of the film’s rough cut and finally the L.A. debut of the completed film.  It’s been a treat to watch the project grow and evolve over time.  And it’s a great piece of work – I’m glad that all of you guys are finally going to get the chance to see it.  The film stars Josh Lawson, Emma Lung, Ron Perlman and Edward Furlong.  Click here to watch the trailer on iTunes, check Fandango for screenings in your area and of course we’ll be sure to let you know when there’s Blu-ray release news to report.  Congrats, Charlie!  And here’s a couple of publicity images from the film...

Josh Lawson in Charles de Lauzirika's Crave

Emma Lung in Charles de Lauzirika's Crave

Finally today, we’ve got a bit of related news to report for you.  You might recall that, way back in May, we first reported that CBS was working to bring Twin Peaks: The Complete Series to Blu-ray Disc.  And those of you who own the impressive Gold Box version of the DVD release will know that Charles de Lauzirika produced that set.  Well, it’s now starting to leak widely around the Net that CBS is close to announcing Twin Peaks: The Definitive Blu Box Edition, which will include not only the complete series in HD and all the great DVD extras, but also David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me in HD and new bonus content produced just for this set!  Now, there’s been no official announcement yet, but trust us – this set is coming, as we’ve been telling you for months now.  Here’s a leaked image of the packaging that’s started appearing around the net (it was posted on the Crazy Clown Time page on Facebook – note that we can’t confirm this is what the final product will look like)...

Possible Twin Peaks Blu-ray packaging

Again, all of this is to be considered unofficial and subject to change until CBS makes their official announcement.  But that should happen soon.  The rumored street date is 3/25/14 (which just so happens to be the 25th anniversary of Laura Palmer’s prediction).

All right, that’s it for now.  Back tomorrow!  Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt