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Thursday, 12 November 2020 16:32

Sony sets Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium for 4K on 2/9, plus Arrow and Blue Underground reach a Django deal


We have a couple things for you today...

First, Tim has posted a review of Nick Castle’s The Last Starfighter (1984), now available on Blu-ray from our friends at Arrow Video. Sounds like it’s a pretty great disc, so do check it out here.

Also today, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has just officially announced the 4K Ultra HD release of Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium on 2/9. The disc will include Dolby Atmos audio.

Extras on the 4K disc will include 4 featurettes (Exoskeletons, Explosions and the Action Choreography of Elysium, The Hero, The Psychopath and the Characters of Elysium, The Art of the Elysium Miniatures, and Bugatti 2154), plus theatrical trailers. [Read on here...]

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The included Blu-ray will add 5 more featurettes (Collaboration: Crafting the Performances in Elysium, Engineering Utopia: Creating a Society in the Sky, Visions of 2154: An Interactive Exploration of the Art and Design of Elysium, In Support of the Story: The Visual Effects of Elysium, and The Technology of 2154), plus an extended scene, and the 3-part The Journey to Elysium documentary. You can see the cover artwork above left and also below (you can also pre-order the title below).

Also today, our friends at Arrow Video and Blue Underground have finally reached an agreement regarding the distribution rights to Django, a title Arrow had announced for Blu-ray release way back in May but which was subsequently delayed due to this conflict. Here’s a statement from distributor MVD:

“Dear valued customer:

We are happy to announce that after months of moratorium, Blue Underground and Arrow have come to terms regarding the motion picture Django. The below items may resume shipping immediately:



“I’m personally happy we settled this matter as Arrow’s Django Blu-ray release should be in every collector’s library”, says Bill Lustig, C.E.O. Blue Underground

Mike Hewitt from Arrow Video: “Arrow are very pleased to have reached an agreement with Blue Underground on Django. We very much look forward to fans being able to pick up this definitive Spaghetti Western in this gorgeous restoration with a wealth of extra features.”

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and challenges previously surrounding this title; please sell it with confidence and rest assured there shall be no further complaints with regard to this film. Thank you as always for your support and understanding.”

Good news indeed!

Here’s a look at the cover artwork for the titles mentioned above (with pre-order links if available—note that the Django links will be added when they go live)...

Elysium (4K Ultra HD) Django: Limited Edition (Blu-ray Disc) Django: Limited Edition (Steelbook) (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow with more. Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)