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Tuesday, 05 November 2013 11:35

Man of Steel reviewed, B&N's Criterion 50% sale is on, plus various odds & ends


All right, couple things today…

First, I’ve got that Blu-ray review I promised yesterday: My thoughts on Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, coming in HD from Warner on 11/12.  I know this film divided movie geeks over the summer, but I have no uncertainty in my feelings for it.  I think it’s a great take on the mythos and a rare superhero film that I’m actually excited about.  And the Blu-ray’s not half bad either.  Do check it out.  [Read on here…]

I should also tell you today that at some point in the next couple days, I’m going to try a get a review of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – Extended Edition up here on The Bits.  The title streets today, but review product is only just starting to become available from the studio.  Given how much documentary content is on the set, it’s going to take some time to sift through it all.  So just know it’s coming.

Meanwhile today, Barnes & Noble has just kicked off one of their regular 50% Criterion Blu-ray and DVD sales.  So if there are great titles you’ve been looking for on the cheap (and that spiffy new Zatoichi box sure comes to mind) then off you go!

While we’re talking deals, any Coen Brothers fans in the house?  Amazon has the Coen Brothers Collection (includes Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller’s Crossing and Fargo) available on Blu-ray for just $20 right now – that’s 68% off.

In other news today, the folks at Intrada and Screen Archives Entertainment are selling Basil Poledouris’ expanded score for The Hunt for Red October.  The CD ships on 11/20, so head on over there if you’re a fan.  And thanks to multiple Bits readers who e-mailed to tell us about it.

Speaking of Screen Archives, they now have Twilight Time’s Oliver! (1968), The Way We Were (1973) and Jane Eyre (1944) available for pre-order on Blu-ray if you’re interested.

Finally, in announcement news today, Warner Home Video has set the New Line titles Boiler Room and John Waters’ Hairspray for Blu-ray release on 3/4.

Here’s a look at Boiler Room, Hairspray and the Coen Brothers Collection

Hairspray (Blu-ray Disc)    Boiler Room (Blu-ray Disc)    Coen Brothers Collection (Blu-ray Disc)

And now it’s back to BD review work for me.  Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt