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Thursday, 24 October 2013 02:01

Hell Plaza Oktoberfest Se7en - Our Last SIX Days!


Well folks, we’re starting our last SIX days of this year’s Hell Plaza Oktoberfest!  But rest assured, we’ve still got some great reviews and Giveaways left for you.

Let’s start with today’s Giveaway first: Over on the Jahnke’s Electric Theater Facebook page, we’re giving you guys a chance to take home a copy of Scream Factory’s Psycho III on Blu-ray!  The Giveaway starts at Noon (Pacific) so head on over there for your chance to win.  And don’t forget – we've got TWO more great Factory Entertainment prop replicas that we’re going to be giving away next week.  [Read on here...]

Now on to our reviews: Today’s Hell Plaza Oktoberfest installment from Dr. Jahnke is a true classic of horror cinema... George Romero’s 1985 Day of the Dead!  It’s on Blu-ray now from Scream Factory and it’s well worth your time, so be sure to check out the review.

Also this morning, Tim reviews another recent Criterion title on Blu-ray: Haskell Wexler’s 1969 docudrama Medium Cool.

Today’s post is light on news, as we’re busy working on a couple of MAJOR new Blu-ray Disc reviews for you guys that will be posted over the next few days, including Warner’s long-awaited The Right Stuff: 30th Anniversary Edition!

So be sure to watch for that and... as always... stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt