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Tuesday, 01 October 2013 13:57

Oktoberfest Se7en is here, plus Elysium extras, Criterion 50% off "flash" sale & more!


All right, as you can probably see... The Hell Plaza Oktoberfest Se7en is here!  Doc Jahnke and I kicked things off early this morning with the official Fest page and Adam’s first review: Scream Factory’s The Amityville Horror Collection on Blu-ray!  Every weekday, all this month, Adam will offer up another Halloween-themed movie review on Blu-ray and DVD for your reading (and creepy viewing) pleasure!

Also, we strongly recommend that you guys head on over to Facebook and give both The Digital Bits and Jahnke’s Electric Theater pages there a “like” because all month long we’re going to be giving away (on both Facebook pages) a bunch of great Blu-rays from Shout! Factory, Scream Factory and Anchor Bay, as well as one each of those badass Universal Monsters prop replicas from our friends at Factory Entertainment, including the Dracula Medallion, the Dracula Ring, the Fossil Creature Hand and the Frankenstein Bust!  We’ll have more details on the giveaways very soon.  Oktoberfest is one of our favorite times of year and it’s going to be a great month, so we hope you all enjoy it!  [Read on here...]

The Hell Plaza Oktoberfest Se7en!

Sponsored by Factory Entertainment!

Now then... in addition to Adam’s take on The Amityville Horror Trilogy, I’ve chimed in today with my own thoughts on IFC Films’ Room 237 documentary, which looks at extreme cinephile obsession with Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.  If you’re Kubrick fans like we are, it should be awesome right?  Well... best just to read the review.

In announcement news today, Sony has confirmed the list of extras that will be found on their Blu-ray Combo pack of Elysium on 12/17.  It’s basically just as we announced yesterday, but we now know more about what everything is.  There’s an extended scene, an interactive exploration of the film’s art and design called Visions of 2154, 4 behind-the-scenes featurettes (In Support of Story: The Visual Effects of Elysium, The Technology of 2154, Collaboration: Crafting the Performances of Elysium and Engineering Utopia: Creating a Society in the Sky) and the 3-part The Journey to Elysium pre-production diary (which includes Envisioning Elysium, Capturing Elysium and Enhancing Elysium).  Most of that is exclusive to the Blu-ray, save for the Collaboration and Engineering Utopia features, which are also on the DVD version.

Also announced today is Well Go USA Entertainment’s horror film The Seasoning House on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/3.

The Orchard has announced the digital only release of the sci-fi film Paradox Alice on 10/15, though they promise that a DVD release will follow.  We’ll wait for the disc.

Magnolia has set The Fitzgerald Family Christmas for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/5.

Falco Ink and Cinedigm have set Violet & Daisy for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/19.  The film stars James Gandolfini.

Anchor Bay Films has set 12 Disasters for DVD only release on 1/7/14.

And Wolfe Video has set The Perfect Wedding for DVD only release on 12/3.

Finally, Criterion is having a 50% off “flash” sale RIGHT NOW (until Noon EST tomorrow) on all in stock Blu-ray and DVD titles – head on over there for the details.

We’ll be back tomorrow morning with a new History, Legacy & Showmanship column from our own Michael Coate, featuring an interview with author J.W. Rinzler, whose new The Making of Return of the Jedi hardcover book just arrived on Amazon and in book stores today.

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt