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Thursday, 29 September 2016 16:46

Warner’s Bat v Supe: UCE big box, plus new Kino, McQuarrie/Star Wars book deal & animated Indy!


Well... based on an overwhelmingly positive reaction to my look at art books on 2001: A Space Odyssey last night, it seems like you guys enjoy it when we roam a bit off in the wilderness here at The Bits, thematically speaking. So I think we’ll try and do it a little more often in the weeks and months ahead. It’s certainly fun and it definitely keeps things interesting. Thanks for all the kind words, and I’ve very glad you liked the article.  [Read on here…]

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We’ve got a little bit of title announcement news for you, plus some new cover artwork, and a nice animated surprise which we’ll save for last today. First up, the release news...

This was probably inevitable. Fans had a mixed reaction to Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. So if you’re Warner Bros Home Entertainment, how to respond to this? Here’s how: An Amazon-exclusive 2-movie Ultimate Collector’s Edition box set with action figures, vintage comic book replicas, swag art cards, and both Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Man of Steel on Blu-ray. And all of this can be yours for the fabulously REDACTED price of just $123.99. You know what I would pay that kind of money for? A 2001: A Space Odyssey – Ultimate Collector’s Edition with a 4K remastered version of the film (in both Blu-ray and 4K), Douglas Trumbull’s Beyond the Infinite documentary, and that Think Geek interactive HAL 9000 replica as bonus swag. I’d pay a lot of money for a Tex Avery Blu-ray box set too, as well as Batman: The Animated Series and/or the Fleischer Bros’ Superman animated serials on Blu-ray as well. Somebody get right on that, yeah? Anyway, here’s what the BvS:DoJ – UCE Amazon box will look like (click the image for a pre-order link)…

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Collector's Edition (Blu-ray Disc)

While we’re talking Warner, the studio’s Mad Max High Octane Collection is also available for Amazon pre-order on Blu-ray with a street date of 12/6 (SRP $74.99). The 9-disc set includes Mad Max, The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Mad Max: Fury Road (in Blu-ray and 4K), and the Mad Max: Fury Road – Black & Chrome Edition, plus extras.

Meanwhile, Universal Studios Home Entertainment has set Versailles: Season One for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/13.

Broadgreen Entertainment has set The Dressmaker for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/27.

Strand Releasing has set Stephen Dunn’s Closet Monster for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/10/17.

Kino Lorber has set Bad Girl, The Man Called Noon, Moving Violations, Man Facing Southeast, and The Park Is Mine (1986) for Blu-ray release on 12/13, with Something for Everyone (1971), The Frontier, Luna, Doomwatch (1972), and The Neptune Factor (1973) all due on 12/6.

Kino has also set Stryker (1983) for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/3/17. Those Redheads From Seattle (1953) is coming soon to Blu-ray 3D and DVD from Kino too.

Also today, Jezebel will release The Stewardesses 3-D on Blu-ray 3D format on 12/13. ’Cause yeah, baby!

And Scorpion Releasing has Steaming (1985) coming on 12/13 as well.

A quick change of street date notice: Cinelicious Pics’ Blu-ray release of the 4K restored version of Private Property (starring Warren Oates) is now due on 10/25. Adjust your plans accordingly.

On the 4K front... and in a somewhat soul-crushing move... Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has set Sausage Party for 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray release (as well as Blu-ray and DVD) on 11/8. Yet still we wait for Leon: The Professional in 4K, not to mention La Femme Nikita, The Fifth Element, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Lawrence of Arabia, Close Encounters, et al. I know this is a matter of “well, those 4K elements were readily at hand,” but seriously. If the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format is to have any hope of succeeding, the studios have to start releasing a lot more titles that people would actually want to buy in that format. Nobody wants Sausage Party or Pineapple Express in 4K. That’s just way too many ‘K’s for those films.

I don’t know, man… I think I feel a rant on this subject forming for a future My Two Cents column.

In other news today, I don’t know how long this deal is going to last, but Amazon is currently selling the amazing deluxe hardcover edition of Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie for just $150. That’s 40% off the regular $250 SRP. Act quickly if you wish to take advantage.

And here’s that nice surprise: An industrious fellow named Patrick Schoenmaker has created an amazing animated opening for a hypothetical The Adventures of Indiana Jones animated series. It’s probably just a pipe dream, but I really hope that someone at Lucasfilm and Disney takes the idea seriously, because I think classic hand-drawn animation is the perfect way to continue the adventures of the original Indiana Jones. Go old school with it, no CG thank you very much. Give it that perfect 1940s grit and texture. And I bet you could get Harrison Ford to voice the character. Do give this clip a look in HD, it’s pretty damn slick. Hats off to you, Patrick. You’ve done a man’s job, sir!

All right, we’ll leave you with a look at some new Blu-ray cover artwork for a few of the titles mentioned above and more (with clickable pre-order links if available)...

The Mad Max High Octane Collection (Blu-ray Disc)   99 Women: Limited Edition (Blu-ray Disc)   The Man Called Noon (Blu-ray Disc)

The Stewardesses 3-D (Blu-ray 3D)   Versailles: Season One (Blu-ray Disc)   The Park Is Mine (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)