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Friday, 25 September 2015 17:36

Blu-ray News – American Ultra, Battles Without Honor & Humanity, Ray Donovan, Defiance & (just maybe) X-Files: Complete Series too


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We’re rounding out the week with a bunch of interesting release news today.

But first, just in case you missed them yesterday, we posted a pair of new Blu-ray reviews on Thursday: My thoughts on Fox’s new The James Bond Ultimate Collection box set and Jim’s take on the 1974 western Billy Two Hats from Kino. Newly posted this afternoon is Jim’s take on A Month in the Country (1987) from Twilight Time and a combo review (from myself and former Bits reviewer Greg Suarez) of Sony’s new Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Supreme Cinema Series Blu-ray, mastered from a new 4K scan of the film. That last one is well worth upgrading to if you’re a fan of the film, trust me.  [Read on here…]

Also quickly today, Amazon is running a deal… TODAY ONLY… for a year’s subscription to their Amazon Prime for just $67 (regularly $99). Click here to take advantage if you’re interested.

Now then, the announcement news… Lionsgate has set American Ultra for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/24.

Arrow Video’s long-awaited Battles Without Honor and Humanity: The Complete Collection will arrive on Blu-ray/DVD box set on 11/17 (SRP $149.95).

Warner will re-release the Paramount’s The Gambler (2014) on Blu-ray on 11/10.

In TV series news, Showtime and Paramount will release Ray Donovan: The Complete Third Season on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/29.

Universal and Syfy have set Defiance: Season Three and Dominion: Season Two for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/22.

CBS and Paramount have announced Extant: Season Two for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/15. The two companies have also set Under the Dome: Season Three for release on both formats on 12/8.

HBO has set Banshee: Season Three for Blu-ray and DVD release on 1/5/2016.

And Warner Home Video will release Shameless: The Complete Fifth Season on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/29.

For you music fans out there, Universal has set Roger Waters: The Wall for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/1.

Magnolia Home Entertainment has set The Little Death for BD and DVD release on 10/13, followed by The Wolfpack on 10/20.

Well Go USA is releasing Black Coal, Thin Ice on Blu-ray and DVD on 9/29.

IndiePix Films has set White Shadow for DVD and digital release on 9/29.

And here’s definitely the most interesting bit of upcoming BD release information of all today, even though it’s still unofficial: Bits reader Roger W. shared with us a link to an Australian Government board of classification website that suggests The X-Files: The Complete Series may finally be coming to Blu-ray Disc. Check that out here. Of course, we’re looking into this (if you guys had any idea how hard we’ve been pushing this release behind-the-scenes at Fox – whew!). Stay tuned. (Note that you can see what the HD remastered episodes look like on Netflix right now.)

Finally today, it looks like Fox is teaming up with Facebook’s Oculus to offer some of its film content for viewing in an Oculus Video virtual experience. Essentially, we believe this will recreate a big screen theater viewing experience virtually in your home. More here at Fast Company.

All right, here’s some new BD cover artwork (with pre-order links if available)…

Battles without Honor & Humanity: The Complete Collection (Blu-ray/DVD)    Shameless: Season 5 (Blu-ray Disc)    Under the Dome: Season 3 (Blu-ray Disc)

We’ll be back on Monday with more cool new Blu-ray reviews, so be sure to check back then. Have a great weekend!

Bill Hunt