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Wednesday, 25 September 2013 15:47

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Today’s Bits Post...


So I had this whole news update post planned for today, along with Bud’s new View from the Cheap Seats column and a new Blu-ray review or two as well, and I was deep in the process of getting it all ready to go live on the site, when something happened that completely distracted me.

I figured I’d share it with you guys this afternoon, because it goes right to my cinema geek credibility.  And I knew that some of you would appreciate it as much as I do.  [Read on here...]

So there’s this terrific graphic artist, Mark Englert.  (Here’s a link to his blog.)  He’s been doing these great art prints based on films and TV series that geeks have a sweet spot for: Back to the Future, Alien, Fringe, etc.  In fact, if you happened to attend IMAX screenings of Star Trek Into Darkness this past summer on the films opening weekend, that wide aspect “glow in the dark” poster of the Enterprise and the Vengeance many of you got for free – Mark did that.

So it turns out that he recently held a gallery showing in L.A. of prints and artwork based on the films of Stanley Kubrick.  And at Comic-Con this past summer, he was selling event-exclusive limited edition versions of a couple of those prints.  Now… I had no idea of any of this until I happened to spot this print for sale on eBay...

Mark Englert's "A11 Work and No Play"

Yes, that is meant to be director Stanley Kubrick standing there on the left hand side...

Detail of Mark Englert's "A11 Work and No Play"

As you can probably imagine, this image hits a whole number of geek sweet spots for me.  It was immediately clear that this needed to be hanging on my office wall.  So I bought one.  It showed up in this morning’s mail... and I haven’t been able to get a damn thing done since.  Mark, if you’re reading this: Genius, man.  A big tip of the hat from me to you.  This is eleven different kinds of badass and I’ve gotten absolutely nothing of substance accomplished today whatsoever because of it. 

Anyway, as I said... I figured some of you Bits readers would understand.  Every once in a while as a geek, you’re fortunate enough to have a day like this where you just get caught up in something and lose all track of everything.

As for the rest of you, my apologies, thanks for your patience and I promise I’ll be back with news, reviews and Bud’s column tomorrow.  Remember: All work and no play...

Peace out!

- Bill Hunt