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Wednesday, 24 September 2014 15:15

Kingdom of Heaven details, new Kino catalog, 5757, Some Kind of Monster: 10th & Eraserhead BD issue & replacement


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We’ve a couple of quick items for you here at The Bits today. Tim has just turned in a review of Kino Lorber’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, a 1966 film by director Richard Lester. Also, our own Russell Hammond has updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and pre-order links. Remember that any time you order virtually anything from Amazon after clicking through our links here at The Bits, you’re helping to support our work and we really do appreciate it.  [Read on here…]

Now then... we’ve got good news for Ridley Scott fans this afternoon... we’ve confirmed that the new Kingdom of Heaven: 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray will have all of the extras from both the previous theatrical edition and Extended Edition DVDs. Fox wasn’t especially clear about it in their press release, but we’ve confirmed directly with special edition producer Charles de Lauzirika that you should safely be able to ditch your DVD copies if you wish. Or you can keep that cool Extended Edition packaging and just swap out the discs, which is my plan.

Back on Kino Lorber for a moment, the company has revealed on their Facebook page that they’re releasing F.I.S.T. and  The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming on Blu-ray on 2/10/2015. On 1/13/2015, they’re planning to release The Falcon and the Snowman, Foxes, and River’s Edge. They’ve also revealed the 12/9 BD release of Buffalo Bill and the Indians, Running Scared, The Missouri Breaks, and Avenging Force. And on 12/2, look for Witness to Murder, The Package, The Quartermass Xperiment, and The Emerald Forest.

Meanwhile, for you classic Star Wars fans today, you’re going to get a kick out of this if you haven’t seen it before: It’s the 5757 short film shot by David Berry of ILM (back when it was still in the San Fernando Valley) during the making of the original Star Wars. Watch it here in full on Vimeo. And you can visit Dave’s website here with lots more on the history of this unique short. Thanks to Bits reader Marshall C. for the heads-up.

For music fans, Metallica has announced a 2-disc Metallica: Some Kind of Monster – 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray for release on 11/24. This updated Blu-ray version will include “an additional bonus feature, Metallica: This Monster Lives, a 25-minute follow-up piece filmed at Toronto International Film Festival 2013 during the release of the band’s second film, Metallica: Through the Never, which features interview footage with the band and Berlinger & Sinofsky that looks at the decade since the release of the documentary film.” You can learn more here at the band’s official website.

Finally today, the David Lynch website Welcome to Twin Peaks has confirmed with Criterion that there is a small error in their recent Blu-ray release of Eraserhead – a small video glitch (5 seconds of black where there should be a reaction shot) in the HD image at around 1:05:54 that was apparently present in the original camera negative. Criterion has announced a replacement program. Simply send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the subject line “Eraserhead Replacement” to obtain a replacement copy when they’re ready. You’ll also apparently get a $10 gift certificate for purchases on Criterion’s online store by way of thanks for your patience. More here.

All right, we’ll leave you today with a look at some new Blu-ray cover artwork...

Miss Marple: Volume One (Blu-ray Disc)    Running Scared (Blu-ray Disc)    The Package (Blu-ray Disc)

Buffalo Bill and the Indians (Blu-ray Disc)    The Offence (Blu-ray Disc)    Hickey & Boggs (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow with more. Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt