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Thursday, 19 September 2013 16:53

Crystal Lake Memories & BD reviews, plus Thirteen Days, The Following & inside Wizard of Oz 3D!


We’ve got some cool stuff for you today, Bits readers!

First up, we have a trio of Blu-ray reviews for you.  Dr. Jahnke has upgraded his reviews of a pair of cheesy horror/sci-fi films on Blu-ray, including Midnight Legacy’s Alien 2: On Earth and FUNimation’s Alien vs. Ninja.  Told you they were cheesy.

Also, Tim Salmons has checked in with an in-depth review of 1428 Films’ fantastic new Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th documentary on Blu-ray/DVD Combo.  It’s SEVEN HOURS of Friday the 13th behind-the-scenes goodness, and how can any self-respecting slasher film fan pass that up?  Enjoy!  [Read on here...]

Also today, our own Mario Boucher has turned in a new Inside Cinema column featuring a look “behind the wizard’s curtain” at Warner’s new 3D remaster of the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz just in time to celebrate the film’s 75th Anniversary!  The film is going to be playing in a limited run in IMAX 3D in the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood, which hosted its original premiere all those years ago.  And as many of you know, it’s also coming to Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D on 10/1 in a new 75th Anniversary Edition.  It’s another fun column, so we hope you enjoy it.

Now then... in announcement news today, Warner Home Video has set the New Line catalog title Thirteen Days for Blu-ray release on 11/12 (SRP $19.98), followed by Fox’s The Following: The Complete First Season on Blu-ray and DVD on 1/7/14 (SRP $49.99 and $39.98).

And here’s something cool for classic film fans: Catalog film specialists Olive Films have set Cry Danger (1951), Bamboo Saucer (1968), Young at Heart (1954) and Bang! Bang! You’re Dead! (1966) all for release on Blu-ray on 1/21/14.

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover art for Warner’s Thirteen Days and The Following: The Complete First Season, as well as Paramount’s Jack Ryan Blu-ray Collection (contains all for Tom Clancy-based films in one box, but the same discs and extras as before – just a repackage)...

Thirteen Days (Blu-ray Disc)    The Following: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray Disc)    Jack Ryan Collection (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt