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Monday, 14 September 2015 19:42

Blu-ray News – Tons of Blu-ray reviews (new and old), plus Self/Less, Comin' at Ya!, Scorpions & Nazareth


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We’ve got a bunch of great reviews for you today...

First up, Jim Hemphill has checked in with a look at George Armitage’s 1978 film Vigilante Force now on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber. Also today, Tim Salmons has a look for you at Adam Brooks & Matthew Kennedy’s new spoof of the Italian gaillo genre, The Editor, available from Scream Factory.  [Read on here…]

We’ve also uploaded a bunch of classic Blu-ray reviews from the original Bits website, including Away We Go, Monty Python’s Life of Brian: The Immaculate Edition, The Bridge on the River Kwai: Collector’s Edition, Let the Right One In, Firefly: The Complete Series, Universal’s original 2010 Blu-ray release of Spartacus, and finally the Blood: The Last Vampire anime film. These reviews will be new to many of you, so click on the links to check them out and enjoy!

In announcement news today, Universal has set Tarsem Singh’s Self/Less for Blu-ray, DVD, and digital release on 11/10. Extras on the Blu-ray will include audio commentary with Singh, and 3 featurettes (Inside Self/Less, On the Run: The Action of Self/Less, and Shedding).

Universal has also confirmed the 11/10 Blu-ray release of the Clint Eastwood films Coogan’s Bluff, Play Misty for Me, The Eiger Sanction, and The Beguiled, and they have We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story following on Blu-ray on 11/17 as well.

Here’s something kind of fun: MDV Visual has just set Ferdinando Baldi’s Comin’ at Ya! (1981) for Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray combo release on 1/26/2016 (SRP $24.95).

MDV Visual has also set Katja Von Garnier’s documentary Scorpions: Forever and a Day for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/27.

Also on the music front, Eagle Rock Entertainment has set Nazareth: No Means of Escape for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 10/16.

Here’s a look at some great new Blu-ray Disc cover artwork (with Amazon pre-order links if available)…

Scorpions: Forever and a Day (Blu-ray Disc)    South Park: The Complete Eighteenth Season (Blu-ray Disc)    The Wolfpack (Blu-ray Disc)

For all our Jewish readers today, L’Shana Tovah! Happy New Year!

We’ll be back tomorrow with a cool new column from Michael Coate and more. Stay tuned…

Bill Hunt