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Monday, 24 August 2015 18:52

Blu-ray News – Jurassic World, Tomorrowland & Space: 1999 – Series Two (in the UK) announced for BD


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

All right, we’ve got a few things for you today...

First, I’ve posted a new Blu-ray review of the Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways recently released by RCA. This is the 8-episode series that aired on HBO earlier this year. I’ll have a few more new BD reviews for you this week, including Warner’s Mad Max: Fury Road (possibly as soon as tomorrow), so be sure to check back.

Also today, Tim has posted a new installment of his Pick-Ups column, featuring the first two of several new Scream Factory horror Blu-ray reviews – Ghost Town and Stigmata. He’ll have more each day all this week.  [Read on here…]

Also, speaking of Blu-ray reviews, we’ve updated the database with more reviews from the original Bits website, including Barrie Maxwell’s The Adventures of Robin Hood, Atonement, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, as well as The Ultimate Matrix Collection and the Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy. We’re going to keep adding old BD reviews until they’re all up on the new site, so be sure to watch for them.

In release news today, Network in the UK has just officially announced the UK Blu-ray and DVD release of Space: 1999 – The Complete Second Series on 9/28 (SRP £79.99 for BD and £59.99 for DVD). The Blu-ray will be available in both regular and limited edition packaging (the latter only available via The 6-disc Blu-ray will include all 24 episodes in remastered HD with new 5.1 soundtracks, along with music-only tracks on all episodes, Unexposed: Behind the Scenes of Series Two (filming The Mark of Archanon), a Stock Footage Archive (alternate takes and unused shots), Production Audio (original source recordings for material from four episodes), Cosmos: 1999 (a stop-motion fan film from 1979), Martin Landau (in-depth interview from 1994), archive interviews with the cast and crew, Seed of Destruction (the series two episode re-edited and re-scored as if it were made for series one), an outtake featured in It’ll Be All Right on the Night, trailer and promos, Behind the Scenes: Model Shop (footage taken during The AB Chrysalis with Brian Johnson commentary), clean Series Two titles, image galleries of rare stills, and script and annual PDFs. More details are available here. That’s the good news. The bad news is that we still don’t know when the US release will happen and who will release it. Shout! Factory still seems the most likely suspect, as they have the rights to other Gerry Anderson properties, but we have no official word yet. Rest assured, we’re digging into it and we’ll keep you updated. Meanwhile, here’s a look at both versions of the cover, and you can pre-order the regular version below…

Space: 1999 - The Complete Second Series (Blu-ray Disc)

Also today, Universal has set Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World for Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray, and DVD release on 10/20 (the digital release is set for 10/1). Extras on both versions will include deleted scenes and 2 featurettes (Dinosaurs Roam Once Again and Chris & Colin Take on the World). To this, the Blu-ray will add 4 more featurettes (Welcome to Jurassic World, Jurassic World: All-Access, Innovation Center Tour with Chris Pratt, and Jurassic’s Closest Shaves). The Blu-ray Combo pack will be available in limited edition Steelbook packaging.

Finally today, Disney has just set Tomorrowland for Blu-ray Combo and digital release on 10/13. Extras on the Blu-ray will include 3 featurettes (Remembering the Future: A Personal Journey Through Tomorrowland with Brad Bird, Casting Tomorrowland, A Great Big Beautiful Scoring Session, and The World of Tomorrow Science Hour), The Origins of Plus Ultra animated short, 3 Brad Bird Production Diaries (The First Day, Tomorrowland vs. the Weather, and NASA), 8 deleted scenes, 4 Easter eggs, and the Blast from the Past TV spot.

All right, here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover artwork for both versions of Jurassic World and Tomorrowland (we’ll add Space: 1999 – The Complete Second Series as soon as there is an Amazon UK Blu-ray pre-order link available)...

Tomorrowland (Blu-ray Disc)    Jurassic World (Blu-ray 3D)    Jurassic World (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow with more, so stay tuned!

Bill Hunt