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Friday, 19 August 2016 21:05

Warner sets Legend of Tarzan for 10/11, plus Sony launches new MOD Blu-ray service & Arthur Hiller RIP


Okay, we’re rounding things out for the week with just a quick update this evening...

First, we’ve got a trio of new disc reviews for you (from yours truly), including Warner’s Man of Steel and Universal’s Oblivion in 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format, as well as Disney’s Star Wars: Rebels – Complete Season Two on regular Blu-ray. The two 4K titles are now available, whereas Rebels hits stores on 8/30. Do check them out!  [Read on here…]

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The big industry news today is that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is launching their own Manufacture-on-Demand (MOD) Blu-ray program called the Choice Collection. These titles will be presented in full HD. The first batch will street on 9/6 with the arrival of The Karate Kid, Part III (1989) and The Next Karate Kid (1994). Then in October, these will be followed by Brian De Palma’s Body Double (1984), a Marie Antoinette: 10th Anniversary Edition (2006), and the music documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston (2005). Here’s what those first two titles will looks like...

The Karate Kid, Part III (Blu-ray Disc)    The Next Karate Kid (Blu-ray Disc)    Private Property (Blu-ray Disc)

The Legend of Tarzan (Blu-ray Disc)    The Legend of Tarzan (Blu-ray 3D)    The Legend of Tarzan (4K Ultra HD Blu-ray)

As you can see by the included artwork there, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has also just announced the Blu-ray 3D Combo, Blu-ray Combo, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo release of David Yates’ The Legend of Tarzan on 10/11, with a Digital HD release expected on 9/20. Extras on all disc-based versions will include 5 behind-the-scenes featurettes (Tarzan Reborn, Battles and Bare-Knuckled Brawls, Tarzan and Jane’s Unfailing Love, Creating the Virtual Jungle, and Gabon to the Big Screen) and a Stop Ivory PSA.

You may also have noticed that we included the cover artwork for Cinelicious Pics’ release of the recent 4K restoration of Leslie Stevens’ Private Property (1960) on Blu-ray on 10/11. The film stars Warren Oates.

Speaking of MOD, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has just announced new Fox Cinema Archives titles for release on MOD DVD, including Map of Hell (2016) which is now available, No Man Left Behind (2016) coming on 8/23, Original Sin: How Sex Changed the World (2016) on 8/30, and Gerald R. Ford: A Test of Character (2016) on 9/6.

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has also announced a number of new TV titles for release on DVD only, including The Great Human Race: Season 1, Animal Storm Squad: Season 1, Bob’s Burgers: The Complete 5th Season, Primal Survivor: Season 1, and The Greeks: Season 1 (all available now), United States of Animals: Season 1, The Yard: Season 1, and Southern Justice: Season 3 (available on 9/13), and finally Port Protection: Season 2 (due on 9/27). 

Meanwhile, has just listed Joe Johnston’s October Sky (1999) for Blu-ray release on 10/4 in Canada. It’s not listed yet for release in the States, nor has it yet been added to the studio’s U.S. press site, but hopefully we’ll see it soon.

The Film Detective will release Patterns on Blu-ray on 9/27, based on a screenplay by Rod Serling.

Back to Warner for a moment: We’ve mentioned some of these before (back when they first appeared for pre-order on but the studio has just announced that they’re releasing a trio of Stephen King catalog horror titles available on Blu-ray on 9/20, including It, Cat’s Eye, and Salem’s Lot, each mastered from brand new transfers.

Finally today, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of veteran Hollywood director Arthur Hiller on Wednesday, whose work included Love Story, The In-Laws, Silver Streak, See No Evil, Hear No Evil and many more. He was 92. You can read more here at The New York Times.

Back on Monday with lots more news and reviews. Have a great weekend!

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)