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Tuesday, 19 August 2014 17:50

Star Trek Compendium rebate details, Miyazaki BD art, Quantum Leap, Kingdom of Heaven & more!


We’ve got some ground to cover today, after our post this morning (available here if you missed it earlier), so let’s dive right in…

Our own Dr. Jahnke and Todd Doogan have turned in new columns here at The Bits today. Jahnke speaks of deep catalog wonders newly available on small-batch disc in his latest Burnt Offerings, while Todd holds court on the best of this week’s new BD and DVD releases in Doogan’s Queue. Be sure to check them out.  [Read on here…]

Now then, I know a number of you have been waiting for details on Paramount’s rebate offer on the forthcoming Star Trek: The Compendium Blu-ray set (due 9/9). The official rebate website is now online here, offering anyone who purchased the previous Star Trek (2009) or Star Trek Into Darkness $5 off the new box set. There’s a PDF form you download – once you’ve purchased The Compendium set, you simply fill out the form and include the itemized store receipt (or Amazon invoice) for The Compendium. On the form, you’ll fill in the UPC numbers from the back of the Star Trek (2009) or Star Trek Into Darkness disc(s) you already own. Pretty easy. [Editor’s Note: Per Paramount, the rebate is only available to U.S. customers at this time. Don’t kill the messenger.]

Now then… we told you yesterday that Hayao Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises, Princess Mononoke, and Kiki’s Delivery Service were all expected to be released by Disney on Blu-ray Disc on 11/18. Here’s a look at the official cover artwork (just click the covers to pre-order on Amazon)…

The Wind Rises (Blu-ray Disc)    Princess Mononoke (Blu-ray Disc)    Kiki's Delivery Service (Blu-ray Disc)

If you’re a Quantum Leap fan, you’ll be pleased to know that Universal has set Quantum Leap: The Complete Series for 27-disc DVD box set release on 11/4 (SRP $179.98, but Amazon has it doe $152.98). I believe this is the first time the complete series has been released in one box.

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has set a new Kingdom of Heaven: 10th Anniversary Edition for Blu-ray Disc release on 10/7 (SRP $24.99). There’s some indication from retail sources that the release will include THREE different cuts of the film: The Theatrical Cut (new to BD), the existing Director’s Cut, and also a new Director’s Cut: Roadshow Version. We’re attempting to get official confirmation of the details from Fox and we’ll let you know when we do. [Editor’s Note: My mistake in forgetting this – the Roadshow Version isn’t new, but rather it’s the version of the Director’s Cut that was on the original 4-disc DVD special edition of the film, featuring an overture and entr’acte. So there’s the DC that was on the original Blu-ray, the Theatrical Cut from the original DVD release, and the Roadshow: DC.]

In other news, Lionsgate has set Houdini for Blu-ray and DVD release on 10/7, with a digital HD version due to be available on 9/3. The sets includes 4 behind-the-scenes featurettes, as well as both the History channel version and an extended version that’s 20 minutes longer.

Other newly-announced Lionsgate titles include Duck Dynasty: Season 6 and School Dance on 10/7, a Duck Dynasty: Seasons 4-6 Gift Set DVD on 10/21, and Throwdown on DVD on 10/14.

Also, FUNimation has announced its October release slate, set to include Black Butler: Season Two – Classic on BD/DVD Combo, Princess Jellyfish: The Complete Series – S.A.V.E. on DVD, and A Certain Magical Index II: Season Two, Part One on BD/DVD Combo on 10/14, Bayonetta: Bloody Fate on BD/DVD Combo and Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Borders 1 & 2 on Blu-ray/DVD combo on 10/21, and Dragonball Z: Season 8 on BD, Fairy Tail: Part 12 and Fairy Tail: Part 13 on BD/DVD Combo, Helsing Ultimate: Volumes 9 & 10 on BD/DVD Combo, Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist on BD/DVD Combo and DVD, and One Piece: Collection 10 on DVD all on 10/28.

Finally, we’d like to give a nod of tribute to the passing of legendary NBC host/announcer Don Pardo of Saturday Night Life fame.  He was 96. SNL won’t be the same without him. More here at The New York Times. To quote the man himself: “This is Don Pardo saying, this is Don Pardo, signing off!”

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray and DVD cover art for all of Criterion’s November BD releases, as well as Lionsgate’s Houdini

L'Avventura (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    Tootsie (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    It Happened One Night (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)

Les Blank: Always for Pleasure (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    The Shooting/Ride in the Whirlwind (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    Houdini (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt