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Tuesday, 19 July 2016 17:04

The Nice Guys, Game of Thrones: S6 & Highlander: 30th official, Free State of Jones, Now You See Me 2 & more


In announcement news today, Warner Home Video has set Shane Black’s The Nice Guys for Blu-ray Combo and DVD release on 8/23, with the Digital HD release due 8/9. Extras will include a pair of featurettes (Always Bet on Black and Worst. Detectives. Ever.: Making The Nice Guys).

Universal has set Free State of Jones for Blu-ray, DVD, and On-Demand release on 9/20, with a Digital HD release due on 9/6. The only extras will be The History of Jones County featurette.  [Read on here…]

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Meanwhile, HBO has officially announced the 11/15 Blu-ray and DVD release of Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season. Season Seven has officially been announced for Summer 2017 with just 7 episodes rather than the usual 10. So, probably to soften the blow, we’re not having to wait so long as usual to get the most recently aired season on disc. The even better news is that the set is going to be truly loaded with content. Included on both versions will be 3 behind-the-scenes featurettes (The Battle of the Bastards: An In-Depth Look, Recreating the Dothraki World, and 18 Hours at the Paint Hall), 4 deleted scenes, plus cast and crew audio commentaries for every single episode in the season with just about everyone you could possibly want included. Some episodes – 3 to be exact, including the last couple – will have 2 commentaries. On top of that, the Blu-ray set will add In-Episode Guides with additional information, and 18 History and Lore featurettes about different subjects relating to the mythology of Westeros and Essos, narrated by the characters as played by the original actors. So you’ll get The Old Way, The Kingsmoot, and The Sunset Sea narrated by Euron Greyjoy, War of the Ninepenny Kings narrated by Brother Ray, The Great Tourney at Harrenhal narrated by Meera Reed, Robert’s Rebellion narrated by Jaime Lannister, Vaes Dothrak and The Dothraki narrated by Jorah Mormont, Northern Allegiances to House Stark narrated by Sansa Stark, Children of the Forest vs. the First Men narrated by the Three-Eyed Raven, Brotherhood Without Banners narrated by Thoros of Myr, Oldtown narrated by Grand Maester Pycelle and Qyburn, House Dayne narrated by Young Ned Stark, The Little Birds narrated by Lord Varys, Knights of the Vale narrated by Petyr ’Littlefinger’ Baelish, House Tarly narrated by Randyll Tarly, Riverrun narrated by Brynden ’the Blackfish’ Tully, and Great Sept of Baelor narrated by the High Sparrow. Pretty cool. You can pre-order the Blu-ray set on Amazon (for just $62.99) by clicking on the cover artwork below.

Also today, Lionsgate has announced Now You See Me 2 for release on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, and DVD on 9/6, with the Digital HD release due on 8/23. Extras on the Blu-ray versions will include audio commentary by director Jon M. Chu and 3 featurettes (The Art of the Ensemble, You Can’t Look Away, and Bringing Magic to Life).

Speaking of Lionsgate, we now have official details and cover artwork (as you can see above and below) for their Highlander: 30th Anniversary Edition which is due on Blu-ray and DVD on 9/27. Look for it to include audio commentary by director Russell Mulcahy, deleted scenes, The Making of Highlander featurette, interviews with Mulcahy and actor Christopher Lambert, and an archival interview with Lambert. Click on the art below to pre-order.

Lionsgate has also set Equals for Blu-ray and DVD release on 9/6.

And Lionsgate will release Barbarians Rising on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD on 9/27.

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover artwork for most of the titles mentioned above as well as most of the newly-announced Criterion October titles (with Amazon pre-order links if available)...

Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season (Blu-ray Disc)    Highlander: 30th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray Disc)    The Nice Guys (Blu-ray Disc)

Free State of Jones (Blu-ray Disc)    Now You See Me 2 (Blu-ray Disc)    Trilogia De Guillermo Del Toro (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)

Boyhood (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    The Executioner (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    Short Cuts (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)