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Friday, 15 July 2016 13:53

New Star Wars: Rogue One behind-the-scenes video, plus the new trailer arrives tonight on ABC (and online)


All right, there’s not much in the way of announcement news today, but we do have a couple things to share with you.

First, there’s a brand new official behind-the-scenes video and poster for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story that were shared earlier today at Star Wars Celebration in London. You can see the poster at the left there.

And you can watch the video via YouTube here (be sure to watch it in 1080p)…  [Read on here…]

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Now, that’s obviously not a new trailer for the film. However, the new trailer was shown at the event, and you’ll all be able to see it this evening. It’s going to be broadcast on ABC TV tonight in the States, at the end of The Secrets of the Force Awakens special (which appears to just be a broadcast of the Blu-ray documentary). We expect it will then go live on YouTube as well sometimes afterwards.

Don’t forget, you can follow along with some of the cool happenings at Star Wars Celebration all weekend though a live broadcast from the event here at Star

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)