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Monday, 07 July 2014 16:25

Prom Night: SE, Olive’s September & new Warner’s new Diamond Luxe BD art


Afternoon, folks. Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

Today’s update is going to be a quick one, as we’re working on a big new View from the Cheap Seats column from our own Bud Elder that we expect to have up tomorrow afternoon. So be sure to watch for it. [Read on here…]

The main piece of announcement news today is that Disney has officially confirmed the release of Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier on Blu-ray 3D Combo, Blu-ray Combo and DVD on 9/9. But for some reason Amazon isn’t taking pre-orders yet. Go figure.

Meanwhile, as we’ve mentioned before, Synapse Films has a Prom Night: Special Edition coming on 9/9 as well. You can see the cover artwork on the left.

And Olive Films has announced their September Blu-ray and DVD slate, which is set to include The Big Operator (1959) on 9/16, Distant Drums (1951) and South of St. Louis (1949) on 9/23, and TT: Closer to the Edge (Blu-ray 3D) and Betty Boop: The Essential Collection – Volume 4 (1932-38) on 9/30. On DVD only they also have Shame the Devil due on 9/9, followed by Honour on 9/16, and Daisy: A Hen Into the Wild on 9/23.

Here’s the Blu-ray Disc cover art for Warner’s Transcendence (due 7/22), and the new Diamond Luxe Editions of The Green Mile and Natural Born Killers (both 9/30)…

Transcendence (Blu-ray Disc)    The Green Mile: Diamond Luxe (Blu-ray Disc)    Natural Born Killers: Diamond Luxe (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt