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Monday, 02 June 2014 17:12

Oculus, Orphan Black: S2, Lady from Shanghai, Years of Living Dangerously & Ann B. Davis RIP


Today’s update is going to be brief, because I have an appointment I have to rush off to. But we do have a couple things for you...

First though, our own Russell Hammond has updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and pre-order links. As always, anytime you order stuff from Amazon through our links, it helps support our work here and we greatly appreciate it.

Now then, today’s announcement news…

20th Century Fox will release Oculus on Blu-ray and DVD on 8/5. [Read on here...]

BBC Home Entertainment has set Orphan Black: Season Two for Blu-ray and DVD release on 7/15.

Monarch Home Entertainment will release Deadly Revenge on DVD only on 6/24.

Wild Eye Releasing has set Donald Farmer’s documentary Invasion of the Scream Queens for special edition DVD release on 6/17.

Shout! Factory has set Transformers Animated: The Complete Series for DVD only release on 6/10.

Here’s something on the irritating side thanks to TCM Shop. Those of you who have purchased their Lady from Shanghai Blu-ray will be annoyed to learn that they’ve created a better version that actually includes higher bit rate HD video and DTS-HD MA audio. But if you try to exchange the disc you’ve already purchased, you get a generic response to the effect of: “Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns/exchanges for items which were delivered more than 30 days previously. Electronic media products cannot be returned after they have been tried on or opened. If you need any further assistance, please let us know.” That’s bullshit. To quote the Dude: “This aggression will not stand.” Rest assured, we’ll be looking into this further.

CBS and Paramount have set Criminal Minds: The Ninth Season, Elementary: The Second Season and Now and Again: The DVD Edition for DVD only release on 8/26.

On the deep catalog front, Kino Lorber has just set The Children’s Hour, The Unforgiven, Mr. Majestyk, and Breakheart Pass for BD release on 8/12, followed by On the Beach, What’s New Pussycat?, The Party, and Cast a Giant Shadow on BD on 8/26.

And for those of you watching Showtime’s excellent Years of Living Dangerously documentary series on climate change, we’ve learned that someone (presumably Showtime via CBS) will be releasing the series on DVD (at least) in September. We’ll post more when we have it.

In a quick bit of Alamo follow-up: Someone has created a Save the Alamo page on Facebook. Do check it out and give it a like.

Finally, just a quick nod to the passing of Brady Bunch actress Ann B. Davis over the weekend. Gen-X readers will recognize her immediately as Alice. She was 88. More here.

Back with more tomorrow. Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt