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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 17:36

Universal reveals its first Ultra HD Blu-ray titles, plus Knight of Cups, Shape of Things to Come & more


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

Here at The Bits this afternoon, I’ve just turned in a new regular Blu-ray review of Disney’s The Finest Hours, which streets next Tuesday (5/24). It’s a better film that I expected, even if it’s still pretty standard for Disney live-action dramatic fare, but the disc itself is rather bare extras-wise. Anyway, do give it a look.  [Read on here…]

The big news today is that Universal has just announced its first batch of 4K Ultra HD titles, set to street on 8/9, which will include Lone Survivor, Lucy, and Oblivion. All three will include both the regular Blu-ray version of the film (with extras) and a Digital HD code in addition to the 4K disc. Lone Survivor will also include English DTS:X audio as well as an English DTS Headphone:X track. Lucy and Oblivion will each include English Dolby Atmos mixes. In addition to these recent catalog releases, you can expect Jason Bourne, Warcraft, and The Huntsman: Winter’s War from the studio later this year in 4K, as well as the recent Everest (all of which are still TBA, though the studio did confirm they’re coming last month). We don’t have cover artwork for these titles yet, but we’ll be sure to post it as soon as it comes in and the titles go live for pre-order on Amazon (the same goes for the recent Warner 4K-announced titles).

Meanwhile, Broadgreen Pictures has set Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups for release on Blu-ray, DVD, VOD, and Digital HD on 6/21.

Warner Archive has just made Dark Passage available on Blu-ray, along with Best Friends, Fitzpatrick Traveltalks: Volume 1, Oh, God! You Devil, Crossing Delancey, M Butterfly, and One Crazy Summer on DVD. Also available for pre-order on DVD from the Archive are Seven Miles from Alcatraz, China Sky, Devlin: The Complete Series, Marine Raiders, and The Navy Comes Through.

In TV release news, Paramount and Comedy Central have set Krull Show: Season Three for DVD only release on 6/7.

And Blue Underground has set The Shape of Things to Come for Blu-ray release on 8/30.

In other news today, you may recall we mentioned on Friday that Paramount would be re-releasing all of the catalog Star Trek feature films on Blu-ray (the same discs as before) just in new Steelbook packaging (street date 7/18 in the UK and probably around that time here in the States too). Unfortunately, the group product shot we posted of all the Steelbooks (which we took from Zavvi) showed that the Star Trek: The Motion Picture Steelbook would feature The Director’s Edition. However, we immediately knew this to be an error, and indeed it was – the studio marketing artist who created that shot simply used the wrong cover art for the film. We now have the final cover artwork for that Steelbook and, as expected, it is indeed the theatrical cut released previously. You can see it above right there. My thanks to David Fein (who, as many of you know, produced The Director’s Edition) for sending the final and correct artwork over.

Finally, I had the good fortune of spending the morning up at Fox Studios today, visiting the Fox Innovation Lab again for a discussion about the release of Deadpool in 4K with the film’s director, Tim Miller, and colorist, Tim Stipan. It was fascinating to listen to them both talk about their experiences in preparing the film for home video release with High Dynamic Range. I’ll have more on this tomorrow here at The Bits (along with my review of the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray itself). But in the meantime, here’s a quick picture from the event. That’s Miller on the right there, with Stipan sitting next to the 4K display...

Deadpool director Tim Miller and colorist Tim Stipan talk 4K and HDR at the Fox Innovation Lab

Back with more tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)