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Friday, 08 May 2015 17:21

Blu-ray News – Friday means new Blu-ray Cover Art-o-Rama!


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

Okay, we’re closing out the week with an early look at bunch of new Blu-ray cover artwork.

Because why not right? It’s not like there’s much in the way of announcement news today, and we’re all busy working on new reviews for next week.  [Read on here…]

So here’s a look at nine new Blu-ray titles, including the BBC’s Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell, Twilight’s A Man for All Seasons, American Buffalo, and Hombre, and a bunch of cool new titles from Kino too including Life Stinks, Cherry 2000, Zone Troopers, and Miracle Mile.

Note that the Twilight titles are now up for pre-order on Screen Archives Entertainment. The rest of the covers all link to

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (Blu-ray Disc)    Hombre (Blu-ray Disc)    A Man for All Seasons (Blu-ray Disc)

American Buffalo (Blu-ray Disc)    Life Stinks (Blu-ray Disc)    Monte Walsh (Blu-ray Disc)

Cherry 2000 (Blu-ray Disc)    Miracle Mile (Blu-ray Disc)    Zone Troopers (Blu-ray Disc)

Have a fine weekend (and a Happy Mother’s Day!), and we’ll see you back here on Monday. Peace out!

Bill Hunt