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Friday, 01 May 2015 14:30

Blu-ray News – Aladdin: Diamond Edition, Casual Vacancy, Ghibli’s I Can Hear the Sea & more


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All right, just a quick update today, but we DO have some pretty exciting news to report...

First, Disney has just set their Aladdin: Diamond Edition for Blu-ray release on 10/13 (SRP $36.99). We know this because Amazon is already taking pre-orders on it. We’re waiting to hear more about the content and extras (we think the official press announcement is a few weeks away yet), but you can see the Blu-ray cover artwork on the left there and you can pre-order it on Amazon by clicking here or on the cover image below.  [Read on here…]

Also, Warner Home Video will release The Casual Vacancy on Blu-ray and DVD on 8/4 (SRP $29.97 and $24.98). The film is an adaptation of the book by J.K. Rowling.

Alchemy has set Welcome to Me for Blu-ray and DVD release on 6/16, starring Kristin Wiig and James Marsden.

And Image Entertainment has set The Town That Dreaded Sundown for Blu-ray release on 9/8.

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Finally, here’s something I find really exciting: Studio Ghibli in Japan has just set their sole remaining feature-length animated film not yet available on Blu-ray, I Can Hear the Sea (1993 – aka Umi ga Kikoeru or Ocean Waves), for Region A Blu-ray release in Japan on 7/17. CD Japan has it available for import to the U.S. for $57 (see this link), and the disc will have English subtitles on the film itself (with Japanese PCM 2.0 audio only). So at long last, Ghibli fans in the U.S., Japan and elsewhere will be able to own and view the complete Ghibli feature film library in HD. With any luck, an American distributor will pick up the title for cheaper US BD release. But even if not, at least you have an option now.

All right, here’s a little more new Blu-ray cover art, with Amazon pre-order links if available...

Aladdin: Diamond Edition (Blu-ray Disc)    The Casual Vacancy (Blu-ray Disc)    Welcome to Me (Blu-ray Disc)

Enjoy Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters this weekend if you go. I saw it last night and enjoyed it quite a lot – more than the last one in fact. It’s darned good fun. And I’m sure looking forward to Ant-Man now. Color me surprised!

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday. Peace out.

Bill Hunt