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Friday, 24 April 2015 17:12

Netflix begins streaming Fox's The X-Files in HD. Tell us what you think!


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

This is just a quick update to let you all know about something interesting that many of you guys are going to want to check out. You remember that HD remastering of The X-Files we told you was happening over two years ago now? There’s still no word of a proper Blu-ray release of the series yet, though we certainly know many of you want one. BUT… Netflix has just begun to stream the series in HD. So at the very least, many of you can finally see it and get a better sense of the HD quality and what the early episodes look like in widescreen. Do give it a look.

After you do, ask yourself this question: Are you guys still interested in The X-Files on Blu-ray? What do you think of the HD quality of the series? Sound off on our Facebook page (click this link). We’d love to know what you think… and we know the studios monitor your comments there too. So make yourself heard!

Back Monday with the usual. Have a great weekend and stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt