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Thursday, 09 April 2015 16:15

Blu-ray & DVD News – No more Simpsons DVDs from Fox, plus Twin Peaks, Project Almanac & more


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Okay, we have a bit of major news for you today and it’s damn depressing...

Al Jean, who is the producer of The Simpsons, has just tweeted that Fox has no plans to release more seasons of The Simpsons on DVD (no word yet on Blu-ray, but it’s possible this includes all physical disc formats). [Late Update: Yes, that means Blu-ray too.] Jean apparently holds out hope of a possible Complete Series set on DVD one day, when the show is done, but frankly I’m not sure we here at The Bits do. [Late Update: We don’t.] What with their MIA Blu-ray plans for The Abyss and True Lies, not to mention The X-Files: The Complete Series, Buffy: The Complete Series, and 24: The Complete Series, just to name a few, it’s getting harder and harder not to look at Fox as THE studio that’s leading the charge to kill physical media completely.  [Read on here…]

Which, of course, makes their Lost in Space: The Complete Series BD release plans all the more puzzling. Why would you release Lost in Space, but no more Simpsons? It would be great if Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment would actually EXPLAIN to enthusiasts what their rational was, but they’re so hard to even reach these days – much less get a straight response from – that it’s like they don’t even want to bother. Go figure.

Anyway, it’s stuff like this that gives us little hope that the major Hollywood studios have any real interest in (or intention to) support 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray when it launches next year. Until the studios starting proving that they’re still willing to give a crap about physical media, I don’t know that I would recommend that Bits readers risk a single dime on 4K. 

Speaking of physical media and The Bits, it is absolutely our intention to keep fighting the good fight for the future of Blu-ray, DVD and yes, even Ultra HD Blu-ray. But there’s no doubt that physical media sales are down. So too is online advertising revenue. And unfortunately, the costs of running a website like The Bits are only going up, what with the need to have robust bandwidth, servers, ever more aggressive cyber-security and whatnot. So if we’re going to keep The Bits going, we need your help. But rather than running a Kickstarter or offering some kind of exclusive subscription access, we’d like to find more convenient ways for all of you to continue getting the benefit of the unique industry access and perspective that only we can provide. As I’m sure most of you know, The Bits is an Amazon affiliate. That means anytime you purchase anything from Amazon after clicking through our links, a portion of the purchase price comes back to us. But it’s not just Blu-rays and DVDs. Literally ANYTHING you buy from Amazon counts – books, music, groceries, videogames, computer parts, toys and action figures – you name it. So please help us to keep The Bits going by shopping through our Amazon links and by asking your family and friends to do the same. We’ve added a new clickable graphic at the top of the page to make it easier than ever to do so. [Editor’s Note: The country specific Amazon shopping links are still there, just lower down the page on the right side.] Here’s one now...

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We really do appreciate it. Help us keep fighting the good fight for physical media!

All right then… in Blu-ray and DVD announcement news today, Paramount has set Project Almanac for release on both formats on 6/9 (SRP $39.99 and $29.99). A digital release is due on 5/26. Extras on the Blu-ray will include an alternate opening and ending, and delete scenes.

Paramount and Comedy Central have also set Workaholics: Season Five for Blu-ray and DVD release on 6/23. You’ll get all 13 episodes, along with bloopers, deleted scenes, and the uncensored trailer.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is releasing Lazarus Effect on Blu-ray on 6/16.

Image has set The Town That Dreaded Sundown for Blu-ray release on 7/14.

PBS Home Entertainment has set Masterpiece: Plodark for Blu-ray and DVD release on 7/7.

We have a better look for you at the packaging and contents you’ll find on Universal’s forthcoming Battlestar Galactica: The Definitive Collection, due on Blu-ray on 5/12. Here’s what it looks like...

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series - Definitive Edition (Blu-ray Disc)

Meanwhile, StarVista entertainment has set The Midnight Special for 3-disc DVD release on 5/12.

Entertainment One has moved the street date for Broadchurch: The Complete Second Season to 5/12. Adjust your plans accordingly.

Icarus Films has just revealed the first ever release of The Way Things Go (1987) fully restored on Blu-ray. The title is now available. The film was produced by Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss.

The History Channel and Lionsgate have confirmed Sons of Liberty for Blu-ray and DVD release on 5/26, complete with a trio of featurettes (Lensing Liberty: The Making of Sons of Liberty, Men of Independence: The Historic Figures of Sons of Liberty, and The Choreography of War: Creating the Battles and SPFX of Sons of Liberty).

Well Go USA will release Enter the Dangerous Mind on Blu-ray and DVD on 4/14.

For music fans, Eagle Rock Entertainment will release The Rolling Stones – From the Vault: The Marquee – Live in 1971 on DVD on 6/23.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has set Beautiful & Twisted for DVD only release on 6/9.

Monarch Home Entertainment has set Life Inside Out for DVD only release on 4/21.

Also on the TV front today, the cast of Twin Peaks has launched an effort – including video appeals and a Facebook page – to save the new Showtime series and get creator David Lynch to return. New Twin Peaks without Lynch is certainly nothing we’d ever want to see. Click on the links to check it all out.

And finally today, DTS has just entered the “immersive cinema sound” market in theaters with DTS: X. This is essentially the company’s response to Dolby Atmos. You can read more on this here at The Hollywood Reporter.

We’ll leave you as always with a look at more new Blu-ray cover art (click on the covers to pre-order the titles on

Project Almanac (Blu-ray Disc)    SpongeBob: The Movie (Blu-ray 3D)    Fifty Shades of Grey (Blu-ray Disc)

Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways (Blu-ray Disc)    Sons of Liberty (Blu-ray Disc)    3-D Rarities (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow, hopefully with some more positive release news. Stay tuned...

Bill Hunt