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Tuesday, 22 March 2022 16:13

Moonfall is official, plus C’mon C’mon, Extreme Prejudice, Jackass Forever & Our Gang silent shorts coming from ClassicFlix


We’ve got more new disc reviews for you today, starting with Tim’s look at the animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and Blu-ray 3D Combo from Random Space Media in Australia.

Also, Dennis has checked in with his thoughts on Robert Aldrich’s The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) on Blu-ray from the Criterion Collection.

And I’ve turned in my thoughts on Umbrella Entertainment’s new all-region Blu-ray release of the Frank Herbert’s Dune Collection, which includes both Frank Herbert’s Dune (2000) and also Children of Dune (2003).

More reviews are on the way for tomorrow and all throughout the week, so be sure to check back for them.

Now then, neither Paramount, nor Paramount+, nor have posted that trailer for the Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Director’s Edition yet, but they keep blocking trailer leaks on YouTube and social media, so one assumes it’s coming soon. In any case, we’ll be sure to share it here and on our social when it’s finally official. [Read on here...]

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[Editor’s Update: Here at last is the official trailer. We also now know that the Director’s Edition is officially coming to physical 4K Ultra HD in September.]

In the meantime, Lionsgate has finally made Roland Emmerich’s Moonfall official for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 4/26, with the Digital release expected on 4/1. Both the 4K and BD will include Dolby Atmos audio. Extras on both will include audio commentary by Roland Emmerich and writer/producer/composer Harald Kloser and 4 featurettes (Against Impossible Odds: Making Moonfall, Exploring the Moon: Past, Present, and Future, KC Houseman Speaks the Truth!, and Sounds of the Moon). You can see the cover artwork above-left and also below.

Also newly-announced by Lionsgate are WarHunt and C’mon C’mon for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital on 4/12, Great Escapes with Morgan Freeman: Season One on DVD on 5/17, the next Vestron Video Collector’s Series title Extreme Prejudice on Blu-ray and Digital on 5/17, and Expired on Blu-ray and DVD on 4/26.

Extreme Prejudice will include audio commentary with film historians C. Courtney Joyner and Henry Parke, isolated score selections with an audio interview by music historian John Takis, 4 featurettes (Interview with Director Walter Hill, The Majorʼs Agenda: An Interview with Actor Michael Ironside, The War Within: An Interview with Actor Clancy Brown, and Capturing the Chaos: An Interview with Director of Photography Matthew F. Leonetti), plus trailers, TV spots, a vintage EPK, and a still gallery.

Meanwhile, First Run Features has set the music documentary How They Got Over for release on DVD and Digital on 5/3.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has announced the Looney Tunes animated film King Tweety for release on DVD and Digital on 6/14.

Paramount Home Entertainment has made Jackass Forever official for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 4/19, with the Digital release expected on 3/29. Extras will include 16 deleted scenes (totaling nearly 40 minutes of footage).

TLA Releasing has set The Sea for DVD release on 4/26.

The MVD Entertainment Group and What Were We Thinking Films have set the documentary Where Are You, Jay Bennett? for release on Blu-ray on 4/19 (with a Vinyl release of music from the film due on 4/23).

And Screen Media is releasing Stephanie Liang’s Family Squares on DVD on 4/5.

Finally, here’s something exciting for fans of ClassicFlix’s recent The Little Rascals Blu-ray restorations. As you know, I’ve just recently reviewed Volumes 3 and 4 here at The Bits, and Volume 5 is set for release on 4/5. Well, ClassicFlix has just informed us that Volume 6 is now official for release on 6/14, and it will include a whopping 23 sound shorts from 1936-1938, thus rounding out the complete Hal Roach Our Gang sound collection. Better still, they’ve also let us know that the success of this effort is such that they’re now going to try to remaster some of the 88 silent Our Gang shorts as well! Apparently, around 80 of them still survive, about 30 of them on actual 35 mm film. So those will be restored and released on Blu-ray, while the rest—which survive on 16 mm film only—the company will attempt to restore and release on DVD. Either way, it’s very exciting that so many of these vintage shorts are not only going to be restored but actually released on disc, so people can see them. Tip of the hat to everyone at ClassicFlix for their hard work on this! Here’s a link to a raw scan of the silent short Dogs of War! (1923) on YouTube. It’s still rough looking, but you can tell that it’s ripe for restoration...

We’ll leave you with a look at the cover art for Moonfall on Blu-ray and 4K, as well as Extreme Prejudice, The Little Rascals: Volume 5 and 6, and more (all are now available for pre-order on Amazon by clicking on the covers)...

Moonfall (4K Ultra HD) Moonfall (Blu-ray Disc) Yellowstone: Seasons 1-4 (Blu-ray Disc)

The Little Rascals: The ClassicFlix Restorations - Volume 5 (Blu-ray Disc) The Little Rascals: The ClassicFlix Restorations - Volume 6 (Blu-ray Disc) Extreme Prejudice (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)